Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 473519014249758721

World Cup. EZ in Brexitland Bruv

2018-07-30 11:16:19 UTC  

they are delusinal

Clever huh?

World CUP!!! YUS


Well I guess that's a start .... France

2018-07-30 13:54:26 UTC  

it's literally coming home because the ball will physically be on English soil

Yeah I noticed not one surrendering Frenchie tried to hit the dude

2018-07-30 15:50:16 UTC  

It's what the entire TWIS is about this week

2018-07-30 15:54:35 UTC  


2018-07-30 15:55:30 UTC  

Not if you move to freedom land

2018-07-30 16:40:57 UTCΒ Nice on paper, but it would only be a burden on taxpayers and it would only increase the debt we owe to China. It’s utopian nonsense.

2018-07-30 17:15:44 UTC  

you never gona have the kind of medicare the sosialist wants in the US as long as the avrage person is not willing to pay at least 35% basic income tax and a lot of side taxes

80% tax bruv


2018-07-30 17:17:47 UTC  

not even taking a shit was free in the soviet union

2018-07-30 17:19:00 UTC  

state run anything always end up being terrible mismanaged

Dude your 20% is for buying Toilet Paper

I bet your type of person that uses 5 sheet per wipe

do you know how unequal that is?

2018-07-30 17:43:24 UTC  

People dont realize with everything you have 3 catagories

Quality, Cost, Speed

2018-07-30 17:43:48 UTC  

When something is ran by the gove one of those 3 are always sacrificed for the other 2

2018-07-30 18:35:09 UTC  

a huge problem is that goverment always tries to get all 3 but you then get none.

NHS. Quality, not really. Cost, HAHA spiraling. Speed, waiting list up the butt

Depends where you are and what department though πŸ€”

2018-07-30 20:47:03 UTC

Helllo Academic Agent

2018-07-30 20:47:52 UTC  

πŸ’° πŸ€‘ make moeny

fix problems

MAKE even more money