Message from @Reaps

Discord ID: 474498801667801108


2018-08-02 08:31:16 UTC  

sign me up for the crusade boys


Two tier Law system incoming

ohh, no this is sweet

2018-08-02 08:32:39 UTC  

fake news


This title is for CUCKS <:covfefe:440543908846632980>

2018-08-02 08:33:36 UTC  

we bought it tho

but then we read the article

Well, expect a lot of Pakistani families self deporting

Women have divorce rights now B O Y S

2018-08-02 08:43:11 UTC  


tbh there was like 8 of of them there, I'd of atleast grabbed him

Where are the Proud Boys when you need them?

I guess he trusts that guy a lot

2018-08-02 08:48:50 UTC  

`D i o r`

2018-08-02 08:49:26 UTC  

That looks like Mark Henry throwing someone like Kofi Kingston

2018-08-02 09:06:55 UTC Jeremy Hambly (The Quartering) got beaten in a bar

2018-08-02 09:12:28 UTC  

Are they refusing to cooperate with the police?

Name and SHAME

2018-08-02 09:20:33 UTC  

They don't need to release it to the public; they *do* need to provide the footage to the 5-0, though

2018-08-02 09:37:08 UTC  

if I understand correctly bar owner refused to call the police

Shame everyone's got a phone in their pocket then ain't it

2018-08-02 11:39:50 UTC  

yeah lol

2018-08-02 11:40:23 UTC  

meh its got nothing to do with me

2018-08-02 11:40:46 UTC  

probebly some drunks at it again

2018-08-02 12:52:34 UTC  

Fucking glad the wee mans out. First, take a break with the family and then I hope he comes back guns fucking blazing for the cunts who stand against him.

2018-08-02 14:40:18 UTC  

Batten declined to talk to the Guardian, and a party spokesman said the paper was on a list of β€œbiased media” to which it will no longer comment.

2018-08-02 14:41:45 UTC @ezralevant Tommy Robinson gives the hateful Media Party all the respect they deserve: none at all.

2018-08-02 14:51:49 UTC  

The guy who thinks Ben’s dad is Neontaster