Message from @Ondsinet
Discord ID: 616328260774526976
Playing on consoles is soo good, you just put the game in and play
are you in a sex dungeon
In a porch
gamer gate is relevant because a neckbeard e-celeb is still whining about some whore no one would know anything about anymore unless he made a video
fake and gay
Still got more Presidents Elected than you
Those whining whores are still getting people in trouble and censoring art <@&586243109818597377>
Look at zoe going all me too on developers when she needs money for shit
they're not usually censoring art as much as they're getting devs/publishers to make gay shit for them
Also a lot of game devs are genuinely sjws
especially the indie devs in california they're fucking weirdos
Going after zoe quinn at this point makes people look more pathetic than her
`Shooting in new Zealand`
GG is the buggy man of journalists
Where ever you see a Green Frog. There is Gamer Gate
sega fucked up because the American ceo was a idiot that did not understood the industry. just like what happens in a lot of AAA companies today
None of the original devs <:pepe_sad:560202541904953365>
hopefully they can make something good for once
Wow classic Oceania servers are down <:pepehands:378719408367075333>
wow is and always was garbage
@GeorgyBoyo Havent watched joe since mafia 3