Message from @Nobel Suprise
Discord ID: 616828908347850752
Msm keeps bringing up gamer gate, I literally have not heard anyone else tak about it in years.
`Shooting in new Zealand`
GG is the buggy man of journalists
Where ever you see a Green Frog. There is Gamer Gate
sega fucked up because the American ceo was a idiot that did not understood the industry. just like what happens in a lot of AAA companies today
None of the original devs <:pepe_sad:560202541904953365>
hopefully they can make something good for once
Wow classic Oceania servers are down <:pepehands:378719408367075333>
wow is and always was garbage
Promsing yet disapointing
He's been slowly but surely redpilling himself
Rated E for everyone. 3 year olds welcome <:HonkHonk:566814473646768128>
Rated R for Rip off
Rated N for too many Niggers
#metoo is getting traction in the video game communities but it the male feminists that gets outed
That is going to put a lot of fuel on the loot box = gambling debate a lot of governments are currently having
Real casinos ran by the mafia can't get away with this shit but 2k can lmao
Literal slotmachines aren't gambling <:HonkHonk:566814473646768128>
someone wanna play some Age of Empires 3?
Age of Empires 3 is kinda shit. I'm up for playing Age of Empires 2 tho
What is your game of choice?
I haven't touched a game for 5 years but SC2 or C&C3 or CS or DoD