Message from @Sue✨
Discord ID: 426270783115886592
sometimes full
no lmao
the fuck
well look at me learning new things
how do you even know what that is
😂 diaperfurs are the worst
90% of the people who get kicked out of cons are diaper fags
The rainfurrest video
rainfurrest is a perfect example of what not to do as a furry convention
I think @Deleted User crinkles
I'll take your word for it.
He just seems like that much of a faggot
Seems everything you 4chan degenerates say is a projection
Do you even know who this 4chan person is anyway?
pot meet keattle
Furries deserve to be gassed in camps
The powerful white man standing up to the misandrists around him.
What makes you guys think you wouldn't be the first to be lined up against the wall by your dictatorial leaders?
lmao which dictatorial leaders?
The fuck are you smoking retard?
No, put your pants back on, no furries. No. Bad furry. Bad furry.
<:triggered:382980748115968000> stop furry posting 😡
is that what bill o'reilly does nowadays
Do you need to take your autism medicine?
Your fascist dictators
Okay, jesus fuck I need to sleep, cya faggot
Does anyone know why @Deleted User is so dillusional?
Gays went to the concentration camps
@Deleted User Is such a retard
He's just bad at trolling.
Or really retard
I'm betting that @Deleted User is retarded because nobody likes him
Even though Hitler and the SS were gay