Message from @radeon
Discord ID: 426272384509542400
No, put your pants back on, no furries. No. Bad furry. Bad furry.
<:triggered:382980748115968000> stop furry posting 😡
is that what bill o'reilly does nowadays
Do you need to take your autism medicine?
Your fascist dictators
Okay, jesus fuck I need to sleep, cya faggot
Does anyone know why @Deleted User is so dillusional?
Gays went to the concentration camps
@Deleted User Is such a retard
He's just bad at trolling.
Or really retard
I'm betting that @Deleted User is retarded because nobody likes him
Even though Hitler and the SS were gay
So you're admitting that you're gay @Deleted User ?
i can jerk off to that
i have far, far worse
We believe you.
No need to show it @radeon
hooty is probably a boomer
no hes trolling you and hes really bad at it
i dont know
i think it's genuine because it's been going on for a few months
maybe just insane
or really dedicated
Pepe has always been used.
my guess is recreational shit-stirrer
I'm looking for a normal, rational people to talk with, not low life degenerates
You can leave now.
Somebody needs to put a stop to this culture of retardation from 4chan
we are not from 4chan
Who is this 4chan person?
its not like 4chan patented pepe
Where then, Reddit?
Just as bad