Message from @Ϻ14ᛟ
Discord ID: 426749923862642690
how are you feeling blue?
he hasn't been outside
Didn't dusty make his money reuploading porn or something?
I've never watched him he seems like a retard
does he go outside?
will I roll him?
will it take an angry white man to flatten this dumass
dusty made his money reinforcing the patriarchy? <:think_woke:378717098681171988>
Boy oh boy is he going to be in trouble when mommy Anita finds out <:think_eyes:378717098630840342>
@Ruggwain Well Blunty is claiming he isn't even blocked or muted so I don't know what the truth is really, but Dusty acting like a retard
He has responded to him a few times
I was more referring to what porkins said <:think_woke:378717098681171988>
I'll take a step back then
one step
What's happening people?
Dusty Smith Sperging the fuck out.
What makes it even weirder is that he has stayed awake literally all night doing this
It's 9:30AM for him right now
Can our autism emoji just be Dusty’s face?
@Ϻ14ᛟ you fucking serious???
What a fucking autist
He lives in Louisiana
and yeah
been tweeting for hours
You have to be autistic to do something as stupid as that
This is what happens when strive away from god’s light each day
I think he'S reaching critical mass
@meratrix soo much tism going on here my dude
Dusty is such a “tough” guy
like a molten toffee
roasted for about several years
under the flame of insignificance