Message from @Ϻ14ᛟ

Discord ID: 426994104593809408

2018-03-24 06:39:15 UTC  

i dont think you can live up to your own standards

2018-03-24 06:39:26 UTC  

You can't just go strike up a conversation with a politician

2018-03-24 06:39:32 UTC  

it is just not feasible

2018-03-24 06:40:10 UTC  

afaik I've been living up to my own standards for my entire life

2018-03-24 06:40:13 UTC  

so for 26 years

2018-03-24 06:40:13 UTC  


2018-03-24 06:40:16 UTC  

sometimes I'd rather discuss someone with someone I know, to see their perspective on them

2018-03-24 06:40:17 UTC  

```You guarantee I don't either try to explain my position so the other side can understand me if I saw it justified/as nothing negative or that I attempt to change if I suddenly see what I was doing was negative?```That's assuming you're 100% emotionally stable and immaculately tolerant at all times, which no one is.

2018-03-24 06:40:25 UTC  

lol, i'm sorry but i doubt it

2018-03-24 06:40:26 UTC  

Hell, we talk enough about Sargon here, and he's not even in his own discord

2018-03-24 06:40:38 UTC  

Just because you can't doesn't mean I can't

2018-03-24 06:40:46 UTC  

It comes naturally to me

2018-03-24 06:41:00 UTC  

*finger hovers over mittens emoticon*

2018-03-24 06:41:13 UTC  


2018-03-24 06:41:16 UTC  

Explain the connection

2018-03-24 06:41:19 UTC  

to mittins

2018-03-24 06:41:36 UTC  

Saint MTK

2018-03-24 06:41:44 UTC  

You both think you are outside the inane struggle of humanity

2018-03-24 06:41:48 UTC  

Or something like it

2018-03-24 06:42:02 UTC  

```Just because you can't doesn't mean I can't
It comes naturally to me```You really underestimate how much we really are at the mercy of our own minds.

2018-03-24 06:42:07 UTC  

I'm not saying I can do no wrong, I can fuck up in plenty of other ways, this is just something I have always held myself to based on what I naturally felt was right. No one had to teach it to me.

2018-03-24 06:42:08 UTC  

the patron saint of not talking about people behind their back

2018-03-24 06:42:18 UTC  

You literally put yourself above every single individual on the face of earth

2018-03-24 06:42:24 UTC  


2018-03-24 06:42:32 UTC  

Because I don't think I'm the only person who is this way

2018-03-24 06:42:52 UTC  

And I don't think its impossible for others to be that way either

2018-03-24 06:43:12 UTC  

Chloe is right, no one can be like that all the time

2018-03-24 06:43:21 UTC  

@Chloé Adsolution But what if naturally, my mind is telling me to do these things?

2018-03-24 06:44:00 UTC  

you wouldn't ever be able to talk about the people that you aren't in contact everyday

2018-03-24 06:44:10 UTC  

its just nuts

2018-03-24 06:44:53 UTC  

but thats all i'll say, i dont want to be ganging up on you

2018-03-24 06:44:57 UTC  

I mean, I could say "Yeah John did the same thing the other day and his result was x", that isn't anything negative

2018-03-24 06:45:18 UTC  

you have to be allowed to be critical of people though

2018-03-24 06:45:26 UTC  

And I am very critical of other people

2018-03-24 06:45:31 UTC  

I just do it to their face

2018-03-24 06:45:35 UTC  

```But what if naturally, my mind is telling me to do these things?```Most sensible people's minds do tell us to do these things. Some are a lot better at it than others, but it's conceptually impossible to be perfect at it.

2018-03-24 06:45:45 UTC  

but what if you dont have access to them?

2018-03-24 06:45:55 UTC  

you just stay quiet?

2018-03-24 06:45:56 UTC  

Then how would you know them?

2018-03-24 06:46:02 UTC  


2018-03-24 06:46:06 UTC  

you know of them