Message from @Reaps

Discord ID: 454030326948298762

2018-06-06 21:06:54 UTC  

@Deleted User
Nah, i just learned that's much better an "ugly girl" who likes you than a pretry girl who don't

2018-06-06 21:07:56 UTC  

lol, look at <#383108664380227595>

Is this supposed to be edgy? Why would anyone 'debate' these fools?

2018-06-06 21:07:59 UTC  

character is more important than beauty, because you want someone decent and fun, when you are getting old.

2018-06-06 21:08:09 UTC  

@Fulcrum010 Well it is like anything else, you need to know when you are wasting your time on something that isn't going to happen

2018-06-06 21:08:35 UTC  

Was Dankula debatting them last time?

2018-06-06 21:08:38 UTC  

Yeah i guess

2018-06-06 21:08:44 UTC  
2018-06-06 21:10:45 UTC  

nigga's at it again

2018-06-06 21:10:47 UTC  


2018-06-06 21:10:51 UTC  

That's smart

2018-06-06 21:10:58 UTC  

not even the best part:

2018-06-06 21:11:16 UTC  

That Imam is fucking amazing

2018-06-06 21:13:04 UTC  

BTW the whole indoctrination of people against Israel in Uni has been going on since at least 2000. I remember when my so called mates at the time tried to get me to vote against Israeli goods in 2001 and I didn't know any better.

2018-06-06 21:13:21 UTC  


2018-06-06 21:13:34 UTC  

this whole 'college campuses are radical *now*' is kinda bunk

2018-06-06 21:13:38 UTC  

it's been like this for a long time

2018-06-06 21:13:39 UTC  

@Reaps this was in Southampton Uni in the UK

2018-06-06 21:13:55 UTC  

but people between the ages of 15-26 weren't around to realise it

2018-06-06 21:14:10 UTC  

"no justice no peace" etc etc

2018-06-06 21:14:25 UTC  

If I recall 9/11 happened on a Tuesday here

2018-06-06 21:14:31 UTC  

My next uni lecture was on Thursday

2018-06-06 21:14:32 UTC  

I went in

2018-06-06 21:14:47 UTC  

And the lecturer probably spent at least the first ten minutes talking about how the US was the 'real terrorist'

2018-06-06 21:14:55 UTC  

@Reaps I didn't realised until I was 22-23 ... Richard Dawkins the God Delusion documentary on the BBC got me out of that bullshit

2018-06-06 21:15:16 UTC  

@Reaps once I could argue back effectively they didn't hang around that much

2018-06-06 21:15:30 UTC  

in hindsight, amazed noone walked out or said anything, but I guess when you're at that age, in that setting, you are often more prone to defaulting to being 'polite' than hurling abuse at the person marking your paper

2018-06-06 21:15:47 UTC  

lemme dig something up for you

2018-06-06 21:16:00 UTC  

I'd love to somehow get this same video to Sargon, given how much of a canary in the coalmine it's turned out to be

2018-06-06 21:17:02 UTC  

I also remember a teacher that would go into anti-Israel rants.

2018-06-06 21:17:38 UTC  

actually, let me timestamp something

2018-06-06 21:17:47 UTC  

Was his name krimskrams?

2018-06-06 21:17:51 UTC  

According to him, if you don't win without help, you don't deserve your territory.

2018-06-06 21:17:54 UTC  

@DanielKO I watched a load of WW2 and history documentaries when I was a kid and I knew something wasn't right about the narrative but I wasn't a historian

2018-06-06 21:18:03 UTC  

*s o u n d f a m i l i a r*?

2018-06-06 21:18:39 UTC  

So I guess Europe rightfully belonged to the Nazis.

2018-06-06 21:18:46 UTC  

"segregationists would love it here"

"identity politics has gone too far"

2018-06-06 21:19:01 UTC  

I don't get cucked by Israel, thats all. Americans have such a boner for Israel, I wonder why?

2018-06-06 21:19:05 UTC  

Most of this was filmed in 2004, btw