Message from @Reaps
Discord ID: 454033617350295564
According to him, if you don't win without help, you don't deserve your territory.
@DanielKO I watched a load of WW2 and history documentaries when I was a kid and I knew something wasn't right about the narrative but I wasn't a historian
*s o u n d f a m i l i a r*?
So I guess Europe rightfully belonged to the Nazis.
"segregationists would love it here"
"identity politics has gone too far"
I don't get cucked by Israel, thats all. Americans have such a boner for Israel, I wonder why?
Most of this was filmed in 2004, btw
@DanielKO I mean to do with Israel vs Palestine
I'm talking about this one teacher's argument, that Israel got help from the USA, so their victory is not legitimate.
@Deleted User The jewish in the area before the british left were willing to negotiate the Muslims weren't
I know about the history of Israel.
@Deleted User Every single time any negotiation happened (this was back in the 20s) they didn't negotiate.
@Deleted User So I am pro israel, I've lived with 5 muslims as a westerner and I know how they view jews.
Jus' sayin'
I never said that you were @Deleted User .
Until the Jews want to violently subjugate non-believers, I'd rather hand all the middle East to Israel.
@Deleted User I think we are mis understanding each other. Sorry for the edit
My best friend is a Muslim (only because his parents are, he drinks etc and is basically English when his parents aren't around)
He really likes Volvo cars. His islamic mates were telling him to stop buying Jewish cars ... because Jews tend to buy volvos
@Deleted User
He should get away from his "buddies"
@Fulcrum010 a lot of them are tied to his family. I've got to deal with some of my family and step family that are criminals
@Fulcrum010 to get away from them is to stop seeing my brother and sister
I wonder what happens if it hits a certain speed and is engraved onto the hubcaps..
@Deleted User I reckon you can get some idiots to hang that around their neck these days
Not symmetrical enough, gas whoever did that.
@Reaps it turns into hitler's face
@Reaps maybe Anne Frank's!
Im nervous
all this talk about gas
@Deleted User
Meh, some people are attached to their families
baddass VW logo
@Fulcrum010 how terrible of them
Scared of what?
@Deleted User
Lol, that's not the point, i wouldn't bother staying away from a shitty member of my family.
Bur that's me