Message from @King Canuck

Discord ID: 457931928956436501

2018-06-17 15:23:31 UTC  

But I was having a bad day, and was super stoned

2018-06-17 15:23:32 UTC  

come at me

2018-06-17 15:30:13 UTC  


2018-06-17 15:30:28 UTC  

in my article on Sargon, I found the Knowyourmeme definition of Gamergate, which seems sound to me

2018-06-17 15:30:30 UTC  

"GamerGate refers to the online backlash against perceived breaches of journalistic integrity on video game news sites that occurred as a result of the Quinnspiracy, an online controversy surrounding indie game developer Zoe Quinn's alleged affairs with a number of men working in the video game industry, including Kotaku staff writer Nathan Grayson. The term has also since been used to describe the group of internet users, based mainly on Twitter, who claim that there is a lack of transparency within the video game journalism industry. These same people have also been criticized of practicing misogyny and sexism by many, through harassment and trolling, referring to their opposition as social justice warriors."

2018-06-17 15:31:00 UTC  

This sounds pretty accurate

2018-06-17 15:31:05 UTC  

It's alright

2018-06-17 15:31:23 UTC

2018-06-17 15:31:31 UTC  

There's the McIntosh origins

2018-06-17 15:31:36 UTC  

1000 hours in MsPaint

2018-06-17 15:32:11 UTC  

My phone can do scrolling screencaps

2018-06-17 15:32:19 UTC  

where it caps and scrolls down to seamlessly do chains like taht

2018-06-17 15:33:03 UTC  

My laptop from 2008 has no such capability

2018-06-17 15:33:25 UTC  

I love how darth revan comes in like

2018-06-17 15:33:27 UTC  

"citation pls"

2018-06-17 15:33:54 UTC  

It took longer to get rid of the 2000 pixels of white space on the right side running the entire length of the image than to put the parts together

2018-06-17 15:34:01 UTC  


2018-06-17 15:34:06 UTC  

Cropping options are very limited

2018-06-17 15:36:29 UTC  

@King Canuck So you actually write legit articles?

2018-06-17 15:37:51 UTC  

Yeah I'm a journalism student

2018-06-17 15:37:59 UTC  

And during the summer I like to keep myself busy

2018-06-17 15:39:03 UTC this is my longest article by far, about some bridges being built in my area. The article will mean fuckall to anyone not in the windsor-detroit area.

2018-06-17 15:39:33 UTC  

If the language seems a bit stilted it can be

2018-06-17 15:40:36 UTC  

It has to go through several teacher and student editors before publishing

2018-06-17 15:40:55 UTC  

And sometimes the original flow of language gets a bit corrupted in the name of accurate reporting

2018-06-17 15:41:25 UTC  

god it's dead today or maybe I just likked the chat

2018-06-17 15:41:50 UTC  

I blame Bearing for some reason

2018-06-17 15:44:56 UTC  


2018-06-17 15:49:44 UTC  

Conducted by Buzzfeed and Whitman Insight Strategies, the survey is the most extensive of its kind and talked to over 880 members of the LGBTQ community from across the country from May 21 to June 1. Overall, the study found that LGBTQ people are largely white, women and under 40-years-old. Of those surveyed more than half identified as bi-sexual while the smallest group of people surveyed identified as transgender.
While 39 percent of those polled said that they had no religious affiliation whatsoever, more than half of the respondents said that they were regularly involved in faith organizations. A majority of people who were religious were Christian, with 23 percent identifying as Protestant and 18 percent identifying as Catholic.

2018-06-17 15:49:46 UTC  


2018-06-17 15:50:09 UTC  

Yeah this sounds about right, honeslty.

2018-06-17 15:50:10 UTC  

why are you blaming bearing @King Canuck ?

2018-06-17 15:50:16 UTC  

I picked a name at random man

2018-06-17 15:50:18 UTC  

makin a joke

2018-06-17 15:50:34 UTC  

@franti imagine my shock

2018-06-17 15:50:58 UTC  

My piece so far:

2018-06-17 15:50:59 UTC  


2018-06-17 15:50:59 UTC  

Carl Benjamin, also known as Sargon Of Akkad is a political commentator and founder of , a "grassroots activist group that promotes the rights of the individual for the protection and empowerment of each person in society." Benjamin rose to prominence in the Youtube community during the 2014 Gamergate Controversy. Internet wiki Knowyourmeme defines Gamergate as follows:

`GamerGate refers to the online backlash against perceived breaches of journalistic integrity on video game news sites that occurred as a result of the Quinnspiracy, an online controversy surrounding indie game developer Zoe Quinn's alleged affairs with a number of men working in the video game industry, including Kotaku staff writer Nathan Grayson.

The term has also since been used to describe the group of internet users, based mainly on Twitter, who claim that there is a lack of transparency within the video game journalism industry.

These same people have also been criticized of practicing misogyny and sexism by many, through harassment and trolling, referring to their opposition as social justice warriors.


Benjamin started making videos in support of the 'Gamergaters', stating his opinion that the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) were actively plotting to influence video games to conform to what Benjamin calls an "ideological feminist agenda". Benjamin also stated that the research produced by DiGRA was "sloppy, unprofessional and absolutely overrun by people who have an ideological agenda that they simply cannot leave out of their research"

2018-06-17 16:00:51 UTC  

"In years since, Benjamin has made videos regarding a variety of topics such as Gamergate, Feminism and The 2016 Presidential Election. Benjamin also has a weekly news series, This Week In Stupid, in which he showcases news from around the world, typically regarding international stories or stories regarding "Identity Politics"."