Message from @King Canuck
Discord ID: 460124222035853313
the principles are sound though
tiny tubes
pretty much
harder than diamond under compression, I know it's nuts
ay did you know this
printer ink is worth more than human blood
it's super expensive
figure that shit out
atm carbon nanotubes are the exclusive remit of defence contractors lol
and make up liquid
some funding in civil applications but minimal really
is the most expensive liquid on the face of the earth
eye lash extending liquid
idk to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if the most expensive liquid on earth was raw coffee beans shat out of three different types of koala's
because eye lashes
thats on you women
and gey ass men who wear makeup
You know what the UK
Boogie's got a point
when the right goes after someone they usually hate you just as much but don't usually threaten your life
the left does much more often
I forget who posted it, it might've been Boogie himself
who said something like "the left hasn't really talked about tolerance in a while, have they?"
like they did when the big issue was christians v the gays
I think it was Vee @King Canuck
That sounds right
Cus I have no home PC to game on most of my home-time is either rereading my percy jackson books, my dresden files books, or endless twitter scrolling and youtube watching
sometimes the internet people bleed together in my brain
esp if everyone's talking about the same four topics a week
@franti the guy in the middle is the current UKIP-leader right? if so >> awesome ^^
What is going on with the great boogie
Aka the man who is actually loosing weight the last time I checked