Message from @Ƶero
Discord ID: 460340351064866818
Look at how fucking terribly edited this is
That's the liberal party?
this is more of a protest movement
Not just the liberal party
Against the government or anything in particular?
Yes gov corruption
The farmers are pissed the subsidy money they sould have recieved was embezeled @Fulcrum010
I actually completely dislike starwars, but I thought this was hilarious:
with all the stuff surrounding the new movies I question if this would have actually been better
Probably would have
he was set to go into the extended universe
that disney retconned
I mean honestly I'd be more likely to watch this version
I sat down with my kids to watch EP 7, and there was all the hype that it was a star wars film for little girls, and maybe 10 minutes in to the film there was the scene were Rey is eating and my daughter was like "she's disgusting, I can't watch this anymore" and left the room.
I pretty much turned it off after that, and that's the extent of the new films that I' ve seen
at least with the wills it would have been a bit like a bad Star Trek episode
Make sure to tell your daughter she's mysogynist.
she's 11 and she wears skirts and frilly shit
Will Wheaton would have been a better Ray
@Goblin_Slayer_Floki well he's certainly a bitch
Lol very much so
I'm now going to refer to the Wills and Midichlorians as canon whenever I troll my friends talking about Star Wars and if they're like "that's not canon" I'm going to say they're disrespecting Lucas's dream or something. I'll give myself bonus points someone mentions the Wills in a future SW movies.
So apparently 2ch is going through some legal troubles, huh?
is it?
Why yes, of course, moonrunes, it's all clear now!
reading it now
ok so basically they had this guy Jim Wattkins[sp?] managing the servers, and he stole the domains claiming they hadn't paid the hosting fees. Nishimura apparently won the trial for ownership of the domains so I guess the registrar either has already or will have to give them over + it looks like they sued wattkins for damages. In the mess of it all it looks like Wattkins also signed contracts for the 2ch domain (like maybe advertising?) so they're going to now sue all the places that held/dealt with those contracts.
There's a bunch of background articles on the subject but I'm not a 2ch'er so I'm not really interested enough to go through them.
Has a very punchable face.
yeah, soft and mooshy
oh no