Message from @Googolplex
Discord ID: 462087207382155264
I'm a pro
You got a license for those guns m8
Actually yes
I do
@HungBunny loicence*
**DevilKing1994#7908** was cleansed from the server.
I hate when brits drop their ts
What kind of a professional would I be if I didn't have a license?
thebot is clean alot
And their tea
Don't fuck with him, please
**Ninja Toaster#1062** was cleansed from the server.
For the love of our lord and savior
Oh, his images got deleted
Yeah I deleted them
Oh ok
I honestly didn't see much of what he did
I just saw a gun and a thot shot gun
**Mr Marett#3348** was cleansed from the server.
Is it on this server or did he setup a different server?
**TheDwarvenDefender#0171** was cleansed from the server.
MEE6 is engaging in IPnic cleansing
so are some of the channels only visible to people with a higher level?
@Googolplex You probably need special permissions
I know, baraban, but it sounded good
I must achieve this higher level
There's other places to get porn too though
I've heard Count Dankula has some good stuff posted on his server typically
In terms of porn
He has a lot of literal shit
You can go there if you want
Oh, from what I'd heard it was a mix of typically really good or really bad