Message from @Somnio
Discord ID: 462414555830812683
:dollar:** Support Sargon of Akkad on Maker support and Patreon!** :dollar:
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i only have cash darn it
Im back
I ate the spaghetti and meatballs
@Katarnstar is your name a reference to Kyle Katarn?
Yes, yes it is.
And look at my profile pic.
Kyle katarn died for our sins
**DeathOClock#9572** was cleansed from the server.
I decided, that if I replace Kyle Katarn with anything.
It would be sonic.
**lasagner#4373** was cleansed from the server.
A hawt Sonic.
Who is pfp
profile pic
It's a humaniod female sonic, if only I could post pics... 😦
Your pfp is hot
Let's be friends
I'm so bored at work and I'm feeling sleepy. I wanna go home and go to sleep
**The Diddly Doodler#4104** was cleansed from the server.
Is anyone here
What happens if I say no?
Fuck you
Jk, i love you
*Bends over, hands vaseline*
What level do the channels unlock so I can post pictures?
no idea
lvl 8 I think.
Maybe not...
Also, how do you pronounce you name?
You know, I haven't figured out what to call it either.
Thank you.
Maybe one day I'll come up with a pronounciation guide if someone doesn't beat me to it.