Message from @Somnio
Discord ID: 462516507998552064
One guy was saying that he would make an ethnostate
good luck to him
and that he would put the gays in to camps to turn them straight, they would be forced to take hormones and be castrated as would Transgender people
Health care is the labor of a doctor/nurse, you do not have the right to the labor of another human so healthcare is not a human right.
If you can pay for it then it should be
sounds retarded i know
is there any medical professionals here
a peculiar phenomenon happened to my body one time around a year ago, when I googled for it in detail to try to understand what happened, I couldnt find anything
I could really use some help explaining what happened to me
we are not your doctor
awwww but I need help understanding
plus i dont think that the chat wants to be hearing about your medical problem
Sargons official discord seems to be more orderly now
it really bugs me that I literally have no idea what happened, it was like I was abducted by aliens or something, it was just so weird
I wish someone could help me
**gintheturtle#6519** was cleansed from the server.
are you a europenis
it's midnight here
i go to bed now
So you are a commiefornian?
I thought you were gonna be a mod?
Its JDMs call
whats song is this currently playing in Music?
**amimetraplover77#3698** was cleansed from the server.
how do you queue music in the channel
I think it's Metallica
search for focabot commands, I tried doing it but it won't load for some reason, maybe it'll work for you @Over.9000.Pepes
thanks bud
the music stopped on my end
everytime i try to access the focabot command website it times out
it's shit, just like the bot
it would be nice if people who actually are adding songs to tell us how it works instead of ignoring us