Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 462534499201187840
**Jimboza#2340** was cleansed from the server.
Bill is now trying to compare Donald Trump to an irrational child
At least Ben got Bill to come out and say he believes Trump colluded with Putin to win the election
@Deleted User the command website is back up, i got in contact with one of the creators
and now Bill's bringing out the Hitler comparisons
Oh boy
Drumpf is hitler amirite
nice @Over.9000.Pepes
Bill went with "Trump is Hitler" in front of a fucking Jew.
good point
"I'm not saying he's Hitler, but..."
Shapiro would have destroyed him if he didn't keep talking over.
less than five minutes for Bill to swivel from "Trump is a child" to "Trump is Hitler"
<:think_woke:378717098681171988> <:think_woke:378717098681171988> <:think_woke:378717098681171988>
"Is he a doofus or is he an evil genius?"
I like Bill Maher,.but he's going slowly insane lately, it seems
Like when he wanted a recession to get rid of trump
Bill: "X is mean!"
Ben: "well Y is mean too, you know"
what do you expect from a house nigga
Jfc I want Ben Shapiro milkers in my mouth rn
Fuck Abigail, Ben clearly has superior tiddies
Bill: "Trump is like a child and kinda like Hitler amirite guis!?!?!"
Audience: [*trained seal applause*]
Comments section: "lul Bill destroyed Ben"
Also kinda betrays Bill's perception of reality when he considers that the President should be the country's "thought leader"
that shit be creepy af
When he pulled the Hitler comparison, I was expecting Ben to tear him a new asshole.
Maybe he did, and edited it for airing?
Perhaps it was calculated
Rather than taking the 'moral outrage by virtue of my ethnicity' route
It's a real shame Bill is going senile early
Atleast Maher was able to stay sensible this long
He was more concerned with performing to his audience than to talking with Ben.
He didn't fall as fast as Colbert, Oliver, and Kimmel
Notice the times he turns to the audience to incite a reaction.
That's a tactic i've noticed with Maher, when he is wrong, or he is caught by his opponenent in a lie, he turns into a monkey dancing for the audience rather than admitting to a mistake
**Siricosirus#9413** was cleansed from the server.
God damn crowder is gonna get his staffs ass kicked
hang on just looking for another link
**Confused Sock#5706** was cleansed from the server.