Message from @Achlys

Discord ID: 464232218731085834

2018-07-05 00:45:28 UTC  

he just joined?

2018-07-05 00:45:59 UTC  

He left prolly

2018-07-05 00:46:43 UTC  

ya im pretty he was booted

2018-07-05 00:46:53 UTC  


2018-07-05 00:47:04 UTC  

soooooooooooooo who wants to tell a paranormal experience

2018-07-05 00:48:10 UTC

2018-07-05 00:48:11 UTC  

Happy 4th of July Everyone!!!

2018-07-05 00:48:13 UTC  

One time, I felt my phone ringing in my pocket, but there was no phone.... Because it was in the kitchen

2018-07-05 00:48:32 UTC  

and it prolly was spasms

2018-07-05 00:48:37 UTC  

@Achlys bullshit

2018-07-05 00:48:44 UTC  

you got no proof that he was booted

2018-07-05 00:48:51 UTC  


2018-07-05 00:49:16 UTC  

he left on his own volition

2018-07-05 00:50:59 UTC  

Another spooky story: This one time I went to the other room, but as I entered I forgot the reason why I went in! It was like I was men in blacked. Truly scary huh

2018-07-05 00:51:39 UTC  

**sargon#9273** was cleansed from the server.

2018-07-05 00:52:27 UTC  


2018-07-05 00:52:34 UTC  

these are more like spooky bite sized anecdotes @Trebjonn

2018-07-05 00:52:36 UTC  

dude i cant find it

2018-07-05 00:52:45 UTC  

scrolling is not working

2018-07-05 00:52:53 UTC  

but ok moooove on

2018-07-05 00:53:05 UTC  


2018-07-05 00:53:10 UTC  

my scary stroy

2018-07-05 00:53:13 UTC  


2018-07-05 00:53:38 UTC  

it was like a couple yrs after we moved into the house my parents bought

2018-07-05 00:53:48 UTC  

one day

2018-07-05 00:53:48 UTC  


2018-07-05 00:53:54 UTC  

Your parents was banging

2018-07-05 00:54:01 UTC  

i went to the bathroom to use the toilets

2018-07-05 00:54:16 UTC  

and as i got up after finishing

2018-07-05 00:54:42 UTC  

i looked outside and saw someone walking outside

2018-07-05 00:55:13 UTC  

i looked away and then double backed

2018-07-05 00:55:34 UTC  

because i thought it was my mother watering the backyard

2018-07-05 00:55:40 UTC

2018-07-05 00:55:43 UTC  


2018-07-05 00:55:46 UTC  

and saw that it was my grandma

2018-07-05 00:55:58 UTC  

she died like 2 yrs before the incidents

2018-07-05 00:56:17 UTC  

i went out to the living room

2018-07-05 00:56:33 UTC  

and my sister walked to me from the window to the backyard

2018-07-05 00:56:36 UTC  

and she said

2018-07-05 00:56:48 UTC  

dude guess u wouldnt believe what i saw