Message from @franti
Discord ID: 466731347617120297
that's not up to us
@ghostwulf It ends when they stop publicly threatening people, Crowder didn't actually do anything wrong there. The guy doxed and threatened him which is illegal, he got what was coming to him I'd expect the same to happen to anyone
should be
lol can someone start posting these to The Donald? (I'm banned)
@Burns I didn't watch the video yet. I don't think Crowder would do anything wrong. I'm talking abstractly. They start the public shaming, we try to use it back, they escalate to doxxing... It just keeps getting worse. That was my point
@ghostwulf I don't see any problem with publicly shaming someone who is committing a crime, now if it was just because of a difference in politics that would be a different story but seeing as that isn't the case I don't really have any problem with it
@Burns he was definitely being a dick, but it was a good video. I wouldn't call that shaming honestly. I'm was more talking about the dongle gate style shamings, where even after it's over both the woman and the men were completely destroyed. Or the woman that got destroyed on her trip to Africa over a bad aids joke. I look forward to more videos like that from Crowder
Looks like Sand to me
Zoom in
some Ganja i pressume?
lol fkn LOSS
britbongs lost
@Deleted User It's time to clean the floors.
@Deleted User It's time to clean the floors.
👏 meme 👏 review
Why not call yourself Boss Rob?
Why does the politics of players matter?
Lol, all these people throwing the word “nazi” around meanwhile actual holocaust survivors are like “fuck you!”
You could argue that the over use of the word is anti-semetic due to the disrespect it does towards jews by devaluing their suffering
The word “nazi” i mean
one of the Croatian players is a fascist, but as @Hotzendorf put it. It does not matter. It is a sport.
@Broo TulsiGang 2024 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 @meratrix Whats the deal with Anglo woman and being so fucking hideous? like I almost understand why there is so much Domestic violence over there. lmao
@franti anglos have horse faces
they are ugly beyond measure
Like I ever date Anglo women
pure british women are fucking ugly, you gotta get those amerimutt or ausiemutt women.
@😝JIK Bleach😜 I chose the name because I started using using Bob Rosses head, upside down, as my profile pic.
I originally changed to ssoR boB but everybody just called me Ross Bob so I decided to go with that.