Message from @Fitzydog

Discord ID: 468560240451911690

2018-07-16 23:20:40 UTC  

well my mom was born in 56 so at the very least she grew up in the duck and cover age XD

2018-07-16 23:21:13 UTC  

"The Russian Federation must be good because the cold war is over" is the wokest take yet

2018-07-16 23:21:24 UTC  

the 70s were the best

2018-07-16 23:24:52 UTC  

@Puma More accurate than the inverse statement

2018-07-16 23:25:43 UTC  

It's like saying we should continue to distrust Vietnam because of the commies

2018-07-16 23:25:57 UTC  

The USSR must be bad because the cold war is ongoing?

2018-07-16 23:26:22 UTC  

inverse, opposite, whatever. You know the spirit of my statement.

2018-07-16 23:26:34 UTC  


2018-07-16 23:26:48 UTC  

the USSR was bad when the Cold War was ongoing

2018-07-16 23:27:10 UTC  

The Russian Federation is not even 30 years old.

2018-07-16 23:27:27 UTC  


2018-07-16 23:27:56 UTC  

We have yet to give them a chance to prove they can be a worthwhile ally

2018-07-16 23:28:20 UTC  


2018-07-16 23:28:40 UTC  

I guess we'll forever be enemies with Russia then.

2018-07-16 23:29:06 UTC  

Im not saying that lmao

2018-07-16 23:29:38 UTC  

Russia can stop trying to be our enemy and they therefore will not be our enemy

2018-07-16 23:30:20 UTC  

They're not trying. When's the last time you heard Russians screaming "Death to America! Death to the West!"?

2018-07-16 23:30:41 UTC  

They're on the defensive entirely

2018-07-16 23:30:45 UTC  

Actions speak louder than words

2018-07-16 23:30:58 UTC  

@Deleted User It's time to clean the floors.

2018-07-16 23:31:06 UTC  

Other than the DNC hack, what's there to point to?

2018-07-16 23:31:57 UTC  

Other than the invasion of Poland, what evidence is left to point out that the Germans wanted to invade poland?

2018-07-16 23:32:13 UTC  

That's not an argument, or an answer

2018-07-16 23:33:09 UTC  

Other than *This important thing that demonstrates that Russian is being hostile*, what evidence is there

2018-07-16 23:33:56 UTC  

@Puma Your only evidence is a phishing scam that is also done by plenty of other nations on the US.

2018-07-16 23:34:02 UTC  

I deal with russians on a regular basis, and they laugh at the russia bullshit. as most of them dont see russia as the super power it once was

2018-07-16 23:34:30 UTC  

Yeah, even America tapped us in the Obama era and Denmark spied on usa

2018-07-16 23:34:42 UTC  

"I have Russian friends, therefore"

2018-07-16 23:34:55 UTC  

@Puma Don't look at him, look at me lol

2018-07-16 23:35:37 UTC  

Then releasing that information to the public, trying to give it to a campaign?

2018-07-16 23:35:52 UTC  

**Galdor#6975** was cleansed from the server.

2018-07-16 23:36:32 UTC  

@Puma Still not even close to the level of hostility other nations give us. I'm not saying they should be on par with the UK as an ally, but that they're not even close to the threat that other nations are towards us

2018-07-16 23:36:42 UTC  


2018-07-16 23:36:44 UTC  

the amount of times cia have been caout in northern norway recruiting spies to spy at russia is alarming. as if you live in some part of northen norway you dont need special papers to cross the border to russia

2018-07-16 23:37:10 UTC  

"Sweden is the only Nordic country that recognize Scientology as a real religion, yet their European headquarters are in Denmark."

2018-07-16 23:37:11 UTC  

We need to abolish ICE cubes.

2018-07-16 23:37:12 UTC  


2018-07-16 23:37:19 UTC  

Im not saying they are the spawn of the devil, I'm saying they aren't the good guys

2018-07-16 23:37:21 UTC  

They take up too much space in beverages.

2018-07-16 23:37:25 UTC  

25% to be exact

2018-07-16 23:37:31 UTC  

Hep b too