Message from @MountainMan

Discord ID: 474219052840255488

2018-08-01 13:21:09 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:21:32 UTC  

**GRM#8032** was cleansed from the server.

2018-08-01 13:21:54 UTC  

i have an iq let you know of 115. and blabla more snob bs and self sucking

2018-08-01 13:22:17 UTC  

rick and morty fanbase is awful. i do like rick and morty though

2018-08-01 13:58:06 UTC  

**Silver Shield#6094** was cleansed from the server.

2018-08-01 14:06:30 UTC  

sargon is a quarter oppressed

2018-08-01 14:06:43 UTC  


2018-08-01 14:06:47 UTC  

black genes

2018-08-01 14:08:53 UTC  

Hey so i have a Question. First of i want to aplogize for my bad English]]
With all the immigration problems, i have allways tried to see something positive on it. My moral dont like when people get hated on just because they come from a diffrent culture and stuff like that.
Ive been watching Sargon Of Akkad for some years now and i agree with most of what he says. But its really hard to accept some things because of my Morality. Be nice to everyone and help everyone you can.
I know i will change how i think about stuff later but now im standing between my own Morals and Reality. What can i do? Sorry i know its kinda wierd. But its so damn confusing for me.

2018-08-01 14:09:59 UTC  

okay mr rogers

2018-08-01 14:12:47 UTC  

Thats what i am.. Im not nice to ppl who dont follow the general rules we have.

2018-08-01 14:13:31 UTC  

how about not being a piece of shit

2018-08-01 14:13:51 UTC  

no bullying except if its cetronius

2018-08-01 14:14:19 UTC  

Well it feels like alot of the immigration problem is generalisations. For example Muslims. I only know good Muslims. But i hear so much shit about how Muslims are bad and should "go home"

2018-08-01 14:15:12 UTC  

So is that basicly where you draw the line?

2018-08-01 14:16:19 UTC  

being australian is basicly rape

2018-08-01 14:16:25 UTC  

i meant pakistani

2018-08-01 14:16:28 UTC  

@M4Gunner โ€ask if they support the haramโ€ your shitposting level is out of this dimension

2018-08-01 14:16:58 UTC  

so @MountainMan how degenerate was enschede?

2018-08-01 14:17:12 UTC  

everyone looks inbred

2018-08-01 14:17:18 UTC  
2018-08-01 14:17:33 UTC  

@Zorgish ask them what they think about sharia

2018-08-01 14:17:51 UTC  

if they support EVERYTHING with sharia law, trust me. They arenโ€™t good people.

2018-08-01 14:18:00 UTC  

Cuz my mainpoint is. What if theres a war where i live? And i want to go to another country. Maybe even pakistan or whatever. I dont want to be hated on because we have a diffrent culture and all that.

2018-08-01 14:18:08 UTC  

sharia is basicly freedom and utopia

2018-08-01 14:18:14 UTC  


2018-08-01 14:18:18 UTC  


2018-08-01 14:18:27 UTC  

honorary rapes are beautiful

2018-08-01 14:18:33 UTC  

part of culture

2018-08-01 14:18:38 UTC  


2018-08-01 14:18:47 UTC  

cutting of hands is good

2018-08-01 14:18:54 UTC  


2018-08-01 14:18:55 UTC  


2018-08-01 14:19:30 UTC  

@Deleted User some dutch peeps were pretty hot tho. tall n shii.

2018-08-01 14:20:25 UTC  

@Deleted User not accurate fam

2018-08-01 14:20:31 UTC  

say saudi instead

2018-08-01 14:20:39 UTC  

syria was a pretty โ€niceโ€ place before

2018-08-01 14:20:59 UTC  

Hey Pakistan. Im white atheist. I want to immigrate to your country because mine is shit atm. How would that even work out?

2018-08-01 14:21:46 UTC  

@Deleted User Yeah. Kinda accurate I guess. I still blame the dictatorship more tho. The islamic terrorism came later.

2018-08-01 14:22:17 UTC  

Yeah I feel ya