Message from @Reaps

Discord ID: 483888431257223168

2018-08-28 06:34:41 UTC  

but hey, like I've said before,

wasted potential.

2018-08-28 06:34:47 UTC  

inb4 events cost GEs to play

2018-08-28 06:35:04 UTC  

Kursk was, like, 16RU v 12GE

2018-08-28 06:35:16 UTC  

Germans get Nashorn but no Tiger or Panther

2018-08-28 06:35:35 UTC  

Despite the P4 being able to cleave everything that the Russians have on that map anyway

2018-08-28 06:36:13 UTC  

Russians get the SU-122 which didn't see service till around Jan 1944, but no SU-152 which actually saw service at Kursk

2018-08-28 06:36:27 UTC  

SU-122 is two spawns in SB, SU-152 is single spawn

2018-08-28 06:37:08 UTC  

Also because the game is set up for isolated events that people can't just join or leave, people are allowed to both fly and tank

2018-08-28 06:37:18 UTC  

And since Russians have a +4 player advantage

2018-08-28 06:37:22 UTC  

Isn't the 152 better than the 122?

2018-08-28 06:37:39 UTC  

122 is based on T-34/85 chassis

2018-08-28 06:37:46 UTC  

So it's very nimble and has a 5 speed box

2018-08-28 06:37:51 UTC  

152 has the bigger boom

2018-08-28 06:37:56 UTC  

But based on KV-1 chassis

2018-08-28 06:38:02 UTC  

So kinda clumsy

2018-08-28 06:38:07 UTC  


2018-08-28 06:38:15 UTC  

and, in SB, 152 only has single spawn

2018-08-28 06:38:23 UTC  

speedy boi or slugger boi

2018-08-28 06:38:47 UTC  

So it would actually be more balanced if the SU-122 had been removed and the SU-152, which *actually was at Kursk*, been inserted

2018-08-28 06:39:40 UTC  

Also RU usually has air superiority because of the +4 player advantage, unless Germans give up having parity of numbers on the ground in order to combat it

2018-08-28 06:39:52 UTC  

And instead of it being a battle map, it was a domination map

2018-08-28 06:40:10 UTC  

so just cap and camp?

2018-08-28 06:40:16 UTC  

So the nashorn, a thin-skinned unturreted tank destroyer has all of it's advantages taken away

2018-08-28 06:40:46 UTC  

And the Russian 37mm cannon in the Yak and the IL-2-37 can mash through the armour of both the P4 and the Nash

2018-08-28 06:41:13 UTC  

regular 23mm on regular IL-2 can also smash the Nashorn, too

2018-08-28 06:41:45 UTC  

Germans either needed access to at least something like the Tiger, even if it meant a further reduction in player numbers for their size

2018-08-28 06:42:00 UTC  

Or better player number parity

2018-08-28 06:42:08 UTC  

but doesn't the nashorn have paper armor anyway?

2018-08-28 06:42:08 UTC  

Also when you skew player numbers for one team, it fucks the queue times

2018-08-28 06:42:15 UTC  

Because more people are queueing for less spots on one side

2018-08-28 06:42:23 UTC  

yeah, nash has no armour

2018-08-28 06:42:23 UTC  

like 12.7 can tear it up?

2018-08-28 06:42:43 UTC  

hence the 23mm cannon is more than enough, don't need the HVAP from the 37mm

2018-08-28 06:43:02 UTC  

but the HVAP 37mm can pen the top, rear and sides of the PzIV

2018-08-28 06:44:28 UTC  

at least it stops 7.62mm

2018-08-28 06:44:49 UTC  


2018-08-28 06:44:55 UTC  

but when you're that tier, what even has mgs that small?

2018-08-28 06:45:42 UTC  

Brits <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2018-08-28 06:46:07 UTC  

But then every US tank comes along with a complimentary side-order of 19 .50cal MGs

2018-08-28 06:47:25 UTC

2018-08-28 06:47:51 UTC  

M18s and Nashorns are my favourite for when I'm flying