Message from @radeon
Discord ID: 487107631107014659
poor canada
**LuxVult#4079** was cleansed from the server.
Isn’t Colin kaepernick mixed or something?
He’s not even a full nigger
in somalia
I'm sure the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians had no influence on them
it was influenced by arabs actually
Oh, well in that case it wasn't influenced at all. It was just "Arab".
no it was swahili
Despite its origin as a Persian colony, extensive inter-marriage and conversion of local Bantu inhabitants and later Arab immigration turned the Kilwa Sultanate into a veritable melting pot, ethnically indifferentiable from the mainland. The mixture of Perso-Arab and Bantu cultures is credited for creating a distinctive East African culture and language known today as Swahili (literally, 'coast-dwellers').[8] Nonetheless, the Muslims of Kilwa (whatever their ethnicity) would often refer to themselves generally as Shirazi or Arabs, and to the unconverted Bantu peoples of the mainland as Zanj or Khaffirs ('infidels').
It's like saying the Ukulele is a native Hawaiian instrument, even though it was introduced to them by the Spanish.
I read that as Kiwi Sultanate
@radeon @Durtle02 @Deleted User There's a fucking furfag on my dorm floor this year.
The groupchat is really fucking degenerate.
I feel bad for you man
I'm blacking out names right now so I can give you a taste of this fucking degeneracy.
This makes me happy that I go to cc for some reason
just realized I forgot to black out the ping.
gimme a sec
>sexy Godzilla suit...
There we go.
Lol @meratrix
>tailor to the child
>>sexy Godzilla suit
They were talking about "squeezing the lemon" earlier and "poo in the loo"
🤦 😆