Message from @meratrix
Discord ID: 487111709761208330
There we go.
Lol @meratrix
>tailor to the child
>>sexy Godzilla suit
They were talking about "squeezing the lemon" earlier and "poo in the loo"
🤦 😆
*Do it.*
*FBI Open up*
do it
I totally would, but our RA is letting us get away with switching who's staying in which room, so I can't get on her bad side unfortunately.
*"...get away with."*
I've found your bargaining chip
wtf is an RA
The RA upper management is corrupt as hell, that won't work.
resident assistant
or residence assistant
If I was the RA, I'd let my floor turn into an AnCap nightmare, have no rules, and demand that all disputes be settled in the day room via arbitration
That's essentially what my RA freshman year did, fucking glorious it was.
The only rule I would enforce would be no furries
(Given you can’t do that in 2018)
gen 4 is big gay
Good morning lazies
Even tho I might get another year of, you're the lazies
Gen 4 is the best gen you shut your whore mouth @Deleted User
Gen 0 best shut your fanboi face
How reliable is the Kaiser family foundation poll?:
It was linked by a third party and aligns with my interests, how is that clickbait?
No. Sometimes you need knowledge in a field, it's not really clickbait if it delivers
the internet is based on trust
and even tho he is a bot, one could argue it's legit
also 200k subs
they aint making cash
who knew