Message from @Constellation

Discord ID: 490218559071584256

2018-09-14 16:52:32 UTC  

Jim just bitching about whatever he can get his hands on. He spends his time better doing Internet Insanity videos.

2018-09-14 17:00:31 UTC  

that I think was about some dumb joke Sargon made

2018-09-14 17:09:01 UTC  

lmao, wat?!

2018-09-14 17:09:15 UTC  

@radeon Are you busy?

2018-09-14 17:09:28 UTC  

@AsianMessiah another one of your fake articles?

2018-09-14 17:10:05 UTC  

No I can get on

2018-09-14 17:11:02 UTC  
2018-09-14 17:16:09 UTC  

old news

2018-09-14 17:37:25 UTC  

@Thomas the Sowell Train [USA] That Tucker bit was on his show. Literally face to face exchange

2018-09-14 17:38:09 UTC  

ooh boy this sounds tasty

2018-09-14 17:39:43 UTC  

@AsianMessiah I remember the LGBT community threw a fit about that

2018-09-14 17:40:44 UTC  


2018-09-14 17:41:15 UTC  

Why would they get in a fit about it, I thought their whole argument that Gayness is natural?

2018-09-14 17:41:31 UTC  

Therefore you should be able to tell homosexuality

2018-09-14 17:44:19 UTC  

Oh my lord that lower third 😂 😂 😂 😂 I'm dying

2018-09-14 17:51:40 UTC  

the LGBTQWERTYBBQ community doesn't even know what they're fucking argument is nowadays

2018-09-14 17:52:15 UTC  

they've been co-opted by just about every other group on the planet to further their cause via virtue signalling

2018-09-14 17:52:45 UTC  

It's annoying.

2018-09-14 17:53:32 UTC  

they've become building blocks beneath the Intersectional Stack, and it annoys us greatly.

2018-09-14 17:54:18 UTC  

There's a rather good read (nfi where to find it now) published back in *the seventies* where a bunch of gay dudes were expressing concern that their 'movement' was being co-opted by feminists to push for feminist issues and whom wouldn't return the favour later on

2018-09-14 17:54:57 UTC  

well they fucking called it

2018-09-14 17:55:25 UTC  

look no further than the alphabet soup acronym that now included "allies"

2018-09-14 17:56:04 UTC  

cuz you known, white women gotta be included somewhere

2018-09-14 17:56:16 UTC  

wow, that was easier to find than I expected

2018-09-14 17:57:05 UTC  

```Although criticism of male homosexuality and gay liberation has issued freely from the feminist camp, there has been almost no reciprocal criticism from gay men, not even in self defence. It has become almost taboo to criticize anyone who identifies herself as a “feminist”. ```

2018-09-14 17:57:20 UTC  

The second the called Milo Yianopoulis "Not really gay" is the second I realized modern feminism wasn't what it proported to be.

2018-09-14 17:57:32 UTC  

``` Why have feminists enjoyed this virtual immunity from criticism? For a number of reasons: Because most gay men really do support the women's movement, and are therefore hesitant to attack a women's liberationist. Because of a mood of guilt. Because feminists have so often demanded that things they disagree with be censored, and have so often gotten their way, that some men frankly are afraid of them. There is also an element of traditional male gallantry. And finally, there is a particular ideology which justifies the privileged status that feminists enjoy within the Gay Academic Union and other gay groups. ```

2018-09-14 17:57:50 UTC  

I might've voted for clinton if the gay jew didn't convince me to find sargoy and reform.

2018-09-14 17:58:52 UTC  

Milo did good work, and it's unfortunate that everyone appears to have swept that under the rug nowadays because they don't want to associate with him

2018-09-14 17:59:06 UTC  

Whatever people think of him now, he certainly helped kick in the door

2018-09-14 17:59:26 UTC  

``` At the first gay conference at Rutgers in 1970, the major panel on the last day was disrupted by a group of women who demanded that all proceedings come to a halt.

They charged that the panel was “elitist” and “sexist” (although half of the panelists were women); their main ostensible grievance was that on a table in the hall, provided for leaflets and free literature, were copies of Gay newspaper, in which they had found a reproduction of a beautiful, lush, reclining female nude, painted in the style of classic romanticism.

This, they charged, was designed to titillate men, and was degrading to women. Overlooked was the fact that the picture illustrated an article written by a lesbian, and that it was unlikely the editors of Gay had intended to convert their male readers to heterosexuality.```

2018-09-14 17:59:42 UTC  

`s o u n d s f a m i l i a r`

2018-09-14 18:00:03 UTC  

naw I've been woke for a while on the fact that this kinda shit has be happening for a while now

2018-09-14 18:00:15 UTC  

the internet just makes it easier to find out

2018-09-14 18:01:00 UTC  

That's not the point I was making; it was people like him who helped coagulate many disparate elements into a somewhat more unified front so people felt like they could actually fight back against all this nonsense

2018-09-14 18:01:03 UTC  

That's a remarkably good find, reaps.

2018-09-14 18:01:41 UTC  

honestly that's half the reason why I think there are so many attempts to censor the internet nowadays, it stops the press from being the gatekeepers of information

2018-09-14 18:01:45 UTC  

Also, Do you watch TlDr at all?