Message from @franti

Discord ID: 490561286833438731

can confirm my wife wasn't much of an iphone person

Gender is a spectum

2018-09-15 16:23:02 UTC  

@Deleted User There's an academic split between what was the bigger influence on the US founding fathers. Classical liberalism, or classical republicanism

2018-09-15 16:23:23 UTC  

Chad level gaming is building a gaming PC in a slim case, and using a gamepad

2018-09-15 16:23:39 UTC  

All of them had an impact my dude

2018-09-15 16:23:54 UTC  

people just like to focus on the ones they agree with the most

2018-09-15 16:23:58 UTC  

do you also has much grammars?

2018-09-15 16:24:02 UTC  

and cherry pick those individuals

2018-09-15 16:24:51 UTC  

My gaming PC is a tiny bit bigger than a PS3, with no optical drive

2018-09-15 16:25:25 UTC  

"Whatever policies Pinochet’s civilian successors inherited from him weren’t from the free market shock period but from the post-debt crisis cleanup, a departure from orthodoxy that began with kicking out the Chicago Boys, expanding public payrolls, reinstating the minimum wage, and nationalizing the banks. Some they were stuck with, like Chile’s privatized social security system, once the shining example to the world championed by the World Bank, until it wasn’t. By 2008, the government found it in in drastic need of an overhaul, citing low rates of coverage, high administrative fees eating up to 33 cents of every dollar spent, and low average benefits necessitating government subsidies for retirees who would otherwise live out their last days in poverty."

2018-09-15 16:25:45 UTC  

How is it that "trickle down economics", monetarism, and free market privatizations always and consistently fail in a this manner?

2018-09-15 16:28:01 UTC  

>Private SS
> Govt admin costs


2018-09-15 16:28:54 UTC  

So it's not private SS, it's just a less functional and more corrupt govt pension program

2018-09-15 16:30:32 UTC  

@franti corporatism

2018-09-15 16:31:06 UTC  

Corporations are wealth vacuums

2018-09-15 16:31:56 UTC  

Corporations earn a lot but re-invest relatively little in order to grow capital and inflate the stock price

2018-09-15 16:32:43 UTC  

This is why trickle down doesn't work here the money stops at corporations

2018-09-15 16:32:51 UTC  

Well, no not really. You're conflating bad business practices with a generalized term that covers more than just that

2018-09-15 16:33:23 UTC  

You're making new definitions for existing vocabulary

2018-09-15 16:35:24 UTC  

@radeon love the #nottruecapitalism argument there. "It's not Capitalism. It's just Corporatism! Waaaa!"

2018-09-15 16:37:44 UTC  

@franti I'm sure it would be hard for someone from Eastern Europe to understand the concept of a free market without govt control, seeing as that's a relatively new concept for y'all.

2018-09-15 16:38:22 UTC  

@Fitzydog The rationale is that people live more. But the truth is that companies want to pay less for social security. They don't want to pay their due share, and governments are influenced or under pressure by them to not raise taxes under the idiotic idea that the free market will do its work
So instead of raising taxes on the obscene wealth of corporations, they reduce costs

2018-09-15 16:39:16 UTC  

Anyone who says seriously universal public healthcare is inefficient, that private enterprise should be applied in public assets, is a fraud and a delinquent.

2018-09-15 16:40:03 UTC  

The solution is to force companies to abide by labor laws. Spain, for example, has an unsustainable system. But it's not because there are more and more old people only. This demographic shift is accompanied by reduced birth rates. The latter is caused by job and career insecurity and gender discrimination in the work place

2018-09-15 16:40:03 UTC  

So your argument against the free market, is an example of govt interference?

2018-09-15 16:41:07 UTC  

The truth is that the US government keeps raiding the Social Security fund, which is supposed to be illegal. Ronald Reagan was the first to do it, which is why everybody thinks he was so good on the deficit. He wasn't good on the deficit. He was stealing money American citizens paid in for their retirement through the Social Security program in order to pay off all of the government's military-industrial debts.

2018-09-15 16:41:53 UTC  

Young people won't have children when they have job insecurity. This is caused by a policy enacted by right wing governments under the direction of the IMF. In Spain, the vast majority of jobs are temporary contracts that don't last more than 3 months. "Long term jobs" are a rarity, as people who remain in one place will have a constant renewal of 3 months. Forever.@Fitzydog

Diplomat cars are always black

I could expain why but they would kill me

2018-09-15 16:42:47 UTC  

idk why we keep bringing up Spain, as that is a terrible example of how not to run a country

2018-09-15 16:43:28 UTC  

This allows companies to have a damocles' sword on workers. If workers complain over the obvious abuses (such as unpaid "extra hours" that amount to 12 hours a day), the employer will just stop renewing the expired contract. It's a covert way to fire people without giving them compensation.

2018-09-15 16:43:52 UTC  

@Fitzydog because Spain is an example of a successful social security system.

2018-09-15 16:44:34 UTC  

How long has it been around?

2018-09-15 16:44:42 UTC  

Spain has become from a third world country stuck in the 19th century to a first world country in the 21st century, thanks to socialist policies enacted in the 1980's and the investment of the European Union, of course

2018-09-15 16:44:56 UTC  


2018-09-15 16:45:08 UTC  


2018-09-15 16:45:31 UTC  

since democracy

2018-09-15 16:45:52 UTC  

Spain is failing across the board, what are you talking about?

2018-09-15 16:45:56 UTC  

Starting in the early 1980's, I guess

2018-09-15 16:46:35 UTC  

The US doesn't have a good social security system
For starters, you don't have public healthcare.