Message from @King Canuck
Discord ID: 490687991631708168
Styx complains about the US military budget
He doesn't talk about Social Security
le rage
Ew. It's pouring rain. “Yep, with a capital C.” - Brain Griffin from Family Guy
been raining for over 2 wks
Donut 🤔
Do nut <:think_woke:378717098681171988>
The new jack ryan was one of the better shows i have seen in a while
[metal intensifies]
I have seen many people from the middle east wear eye liner
It was very common even for men
Something something it kept sand out of their eyes
All I hear right now is distorted metal
Also i do not remeber a trans joke in the show
Anyone know which part?
Ehhhhhh no
Wrong word
I meant the term for the government dissolving something too big and abusing it's power into smaller businesses
Or just regulate anti-censorship laws on internet service providers
make them choose, are you guys a publisher then behave like one. or a service provider and enjoy the legal immunity that you get from been one
Oh but of course, the ideal amount of sleep is <:gay:382982146249326612>
The (Keynesian) Economist.
Forced homosexuality
Following a March 4, 2004, lecture on time preference at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), a student complained that Hoppe created a hostile classroom environment by stating that homosexuals tend to be more shortsighted than heterosexuals in their ability to save money and plan (economically) for the future, in part because they tend not to have children. Hoppe also suggested that John Maynard Keynes's homosexuality might explain his economic views, with which Hoppe disagreed.
Hoppe is woke
@Thomas the Sowell Train [USA] Snapchat?
Hoppe is love. Hoppe is life. Hoppe is hope for the future and a low time preference.
The Dalai Lama needs merch
@M4Gunner you got a LIOSENCE for that