Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 491782729902325770

2018-09-19 01:25:43 UTC  

If everyone actually read the entire Bible there would be a lot fewer Christians

2018-09-19 01:25:47 UTC  

you said it was against religion progress moved

2018-09-19 01:26:10 UTC  

It does, where is the anti slavery in the scripture?

2018-09-19 01:26:18 UTC  

yet it was the religious Quakers who started the abolitionist movement

2018-09-19 01:26:22 UTC  

and the catholics

2018-09-19 01:26:31 UTC  

I do not need scripture alone

2018-09-19 01:26:47 UTC  

People who had enough money and power to not need slaves to support their business were the only ones safe to criticize slavery and were the first abolitionists. That's my interpretation, at least.

2018-09-19 01:26:49 UTC  

we have the religious traditions

2018-09-19 01:27:07 UTC  

The apostolic faith

2018-09-19 01:27:21 UTC  

The bible endorses slavery throughout. Therefore it is religiously condoned. If the abolitionists were motivated from their beliefs they didn't get that moral decision from their religious scripture but through a process of reason.

2018-09-19 01:27:41 UTC  

Deciding that all men were equal

2018-09-19 01:27:43 UTC  

The Bible also openly advocates for murder as a form of punishment for unruly children I think slavery is among the least heinous things 'god' condones

2018-09-19 01:27:44 UTC  

@Roarey Did you read it in chonological order?

2018-09-19 01:27:55 UTC  


2018-09-19 01:27:56 UTC  

I dunno, it's up there

2018-09-19 01:28:17 UTC  

Again your claim that secular humanism moved society forward against religion

2018-09-19 01:28:23 UTC  

you have done nothing to back it up

2018-09-19 01:28:25 UTC  

@M4Gunner unless you're white <:makes_you_think:382980749780844554>

2018-09-19 01:28:38 UTC  

God definitely gets points in my book for dropping an orbital strike on Sodom and Gomorrah.

2018-09-19 01:28:53 UTC  

Name a culture in the past that *didn't* have slavery.

2018-09-19 01:28:59 UTC  

Pro tip

2018-09-19 01:29:01 UTC  

you cant

2018-09-19 01:29:05 UTC  

No I said that moral progress moved against religion, and that secular humanism has civilised the west. Secular humanism is a result of that pushing against religion for centuries

2018-09-19 01:29:06 UTC  

until the quackers

2018-09-19 01:29:13 UTC  

It's really hard to prove one way or another

2018-09-19 01:29:17 UTC  

"against religion"

2018-09-19 01:29:20 UTC  

Yea when God obliterated thousands of people for doing things he didn't like, how loving and caring

2018-09-19 01:29:33 UTC  

No no no, it gets points for cool factor

2018-09-19 01:29:35 UTC  

Reddit tier stuff my dude

2018-09-19 01:29:44 UTC  


2018-09-19 01:29:44 UTC  

I like this discussion, there's a nice spectrum of ideas

2018-09-19 01:30:09 UTC  

Here you go

2018-09-19 01:30:12 UTC  

need i say more

2018-09-19 01:30:24 UTC  

@radeon I don't read the bible for enlightenment or advice, I read it for entertainment on the rare occasions when I do. Or just to learn about it.

2018-09-19 01:30:42 UTC  

I'm right about the middle there

2018-09-19 01:30:52 UTC  

No virgin birth?

2018-09-19 01:31:03 UTC  

I'm on the fence about no deity

2018-09-19 01:31:05 UTC  

Can anyone here give me a decent argument for why religions should be taken any more seriously than other faith-based anti-reason ideologies like communism?

2018-09-19 01:31:12 UTC  


2018-09-19 01:31:20 UTC  

The unmoved mover?