Message from @Broo TulsiGang 2024 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Discord ID: 491937630532141056

2018-09-19 11:18:20 UTC  

How can anyone produce something like the Alternative Influence Report and either not be self-aware of how politically bias it is, or be so disingenuous as to be aware of that and yet still act so plainly as if it isn't?

cus they think you are stupid?

2018-09-19 11:23:18 UTC  

It's possible, but arguing with 'real life' leftists regularly, I rarely get that impression. In that circumstance, it seems more like they think their views - regardless of how 'extreme' - are self-evident and quite neutral, and everything opposing them is extreme. So if the academics are the same, then it's also self-delusion.

You might be talking to wrong guy cus I was born with hearing loss and had to take hearing test every 6 months until I was 16.

Now did my results change? No

but it did show that it existed

We actually had it is science class once

They had a set-up with some speakers and the teacher was playing with Frequency

Depends on the test

Basically I can't hear Watch Alarms and some burglar alarms

The Burglar Alarm was the funniest

it was so loud people had their hands on the ears


I was that standing there like 🀷🏿

Couldn't hear a thing

Total silence

That would have been weird but I knew what the problem was

My biggest one as a kid is they said I was a lip reader

hours of them covering their mouths with an A4 sheet

reading phrases

When I turned 18 I wrote a 3 page explaining how I beat their system for over 10 years, as a kid

Your lips are covered

The phrase is

The Frog jumped on to the __________I didn't make out this word____________

so I guessed

When I was about 23, my Mom who was a teacher said a girl has just come into Year 3 that has nearly exactly the same hearing as you

So I did abit of Tutoring with her

2018-09-19 12:00:22 UTC  

:dollar:** Support Sargon of Akkad on Maker support and Patreon!** :dollar:

Us both I guess. We weren't alone in the world anymore. ;)

but I was a grown man and she was just a kid so I imagine it helped her a fair bit

Should look her up, see how she's doing πŸ€”

It's a case of I'd already done the fight through years 3-11

so I wanted to coach the kid just a little

Also I wish again I could share photos of the God Kids

cus her outfit is basically this, it cracks me up

2018-09-19 12:22:54 UTC  

I hate gopniks

She's 6, red headed and likes her Black Adidas top

but I have to laugh

2018-09-19 12:27:32 UTC  

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