Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 492788833075724298
it's in decline
it's more fun but it's pretty much just the regulars now
hi reaps
@M4Gunner some notsobot command that photoshops your face to look female
k e k
looks good sometimes other times it's a complete trashfire
I'm going to dress up as Fidel Castro for Halloween
ruin would indicate they were ever good
@Ruggwain True
like watching Burger king NR 15 FOOT LETTUCE scary enough
@Ruggwain sounds like you need more "refugees"
open borders now
speaking of Halloween, one time i went trick or treating with my cousins and when we knocked on one door, this old couple said that they didn't have any candy to give out to kids and that they felt bad, so they asked us to give them some of our candy for them to give out, and we were so confused that we actually did it. i'm still bitter about that, fucking commies.
**Dan of Wales#1337** was cleansed from the server.
praise kek
Good times from 2015:
This used to just be a joke on tumbler
die cis scum
@Werlf you first, lardass
I'm probably skinnier than you, lardass
@Durtle02 did you get to the part where David Shayler calls him a racist for saying the 7/7 terrorist attacks were done by muslims
and not a conspiracy
@Werlf you pinged yourself
Fucking kike
**argbla#4963** was cleansed from the server.
regarding kraut, from everything ive seen, the way i look at it is basically losing ones temper and getting bogged down in resentment. nothing shameful about that either, it happens rather easily. the "doxxing" was public info anyway. trying to counter the arguments of a group of people, or an individual, who is flagrantly dishonest and two-faced, along with being full of shit, can be an exercise in genuine frustration. given how slimy some of the people in the alt right have proven to be, i can understand being sick to the back teeth of them and wanting to do something about it. over time, it can be come obsessive, especially within a coordinated group. the sheer mountain of shit levelled at kraut over the past months is far in excess, really damn far, of anything he's done or said himself. just people revelling in getting to hurl shit at someone like little children engaged in playground bullying. in my view the reaction to kraut is what is actually pathetic, and "cringe" as it were.
kraut showing nervousness and hesitation regarding crp's "dox" in the audio recording with sargon etc demonstrates a level of restraint and conscience that is worthy of credit. rather than it being some sinister shit he was caught doing. deliberately covering over the misdeeds of liars for the sake of ones own sense of decency and fair play isn't something id feel justified in expecting someone to do. fuck frauds.