Message from @Tero
Discord ID: 567399391296749586
Had the Hart-Cellar act not passed, democrats wouldn't have won since the 1970s
Thus they imported voters to replace Americans
Notre dame burning is just *cultural enrichment*
Let them in!
"More Multicultural" How much more multicultural did we need to be? Or is the Commonwealth not multicultural enough for labour?
These people are so shallow to think multiculturalism and diversity are virtues in themselves. Diversity is something i would expect to emerge naturally from a fair and meritocratic society, it doesn't mean anything if you simulate the end result. There is nothing inherently good about diversity.
buzzfeed is on a discord server?
They hate Whites
we better throw them out of helicopters
Buzzfeed is made up
Oh yeah i heard you guys are all Alt Right Nahtzees from credible journalists
Buzzfeed has a grreat track record
>> be a journalist
>> join the target
>> spew a bunch of hate
>> report it's full of hate
>> profit
some quotes over a month old
and are the speakers still part of the community?
as if time is an issue they don't care about taking tweets from 3 years ago, what are a few months?
it's a classic forum smear this ought to be required reading
@OpenCube well the point is you'll be able to find some bad words said on any moderately active discord if you search back a whole month
yeah frankly its impressive they were as tame as they were
Yes buzzfeed had some hard hitting pieces during gamer gate. Why else do you think they have to compare everyone to that movement. Its not like the missed the mark and completely buggered it from the get go
Buzzfeed ''white people need to be punished for being white'' crickets ''communist thrown out of helis'' REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
why is adolf shitler all alone in our discord listening to music
Doomer detected
This is what progressives defend and believe:
Well I guess that's all the evidence you need
@Warp Dukat what would you expect from a filthy jew
Uhhhhh we didn't invade Japan for money lmao
Have you seen any Gamer Gat0rs around?
**SlapWithCrumpet <3#4390** was cleansed from the server.