Message from @Gamling

Discord ID: 567488153191972874

2019-04-15 23:13:38 UTC  

Apparently Oprah will run

2019-04-15 23:13:40 UTC  

But we'd have to wait a little longer for a female president.

2019-04-15 23:13:44 UTC  

Obamas husband?

2019-04-15 23:13:44 UTC  


2019-04-15 23:13:46 UTC  

Now that will be interesting 😆

2019-04-15 23:13:57 UTC  

"Guys Trump will cause WWIII with north korea!!111"

2019-04-15 23:14:00 UTC  

3 years later

2019-04-15 23:14:01 UTC  

I feel if Michelle ran, like trump would have a bit more resistance against him since she could help unite the left in the determination to resist trump

2019-04-15 23:14:09 UTC  

3 years later they're best buds

2019-04-15 23:14:18 UTC  

and best korea is thriving super power

2019-04-15 23:14:22 UTC  

Honestly I think trumps handled North Korea pretty well

2019-04-15 23:14:26 UTC  

I need to listen to the Gulag Archipelago now.

2019-04-15 23:14:27 UTC  

And since she would be the best of both worlds for the left, black+ woman

2019-04-15 23:14:28 UTC  

well time is ticking and she has made no indication she will run

2019-04-15 23:14:30 UTC  

At least compared to past presidents

2019-04-15 23:14:33 UTC  

Honestly michelle is prolly their best bet

2019-04-15 23:14:36 UTC  


2019-04-15 23:14:50 UTC  

But she hasnt made a move

2019-04-15 23:14:54 UTC  

Honestly she probably is since the corporate democrats are falling apart

2019-04-15 23:15:17 UTC  

Has she said anything about 2020 or 2024?

2019-04-15 23:15:19 UTC  

If the democrats want a chance they need reform

2019-04-15 23:15:27 UTC  

But we all know that won’t happen

2019-04-15 23:15:30 UTC  

now Uncle *snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifffffffffffffffff* Joe is probably out i guess she is

2019-04-15 23:15:44 UTC  

Nah they need to be wack a moled into the floor until they learn to rebuild

2019-04-15 23:15:55 UTC  

Here is the problem with 2 monolith parties

2019-04-15 23:16:26 UTC  

Guys we don’t need parties in politics -George Washington probably

2019-04-15 23:16:33 UTC  

You need at least a third for contention

2019-04-15 23:16:42 UTC  

**janderson60#1838** was cleansed from the server.

2019-04-15 23:16:42 UTC  

I mean two party systems are awful

2019-04-15 23:16:58 UTC  

Where most people would want a form og Purple their choices are red, blue of orange.

2019-04-15 23:17:08 UTC  

SomeUser is right apparantly 2016 wasn't a big enough defeat to force self reflection they need to be crushed twice at least before they will look in a mirror

2019-04-15 23:17:17 UTC  

There’s a lot less for each party to lose when there’s only two

2019-04-15 23:17:31 UTC  

Like either you’re in charge or you’re the official opposition

2019-04-15 23:17:51 UTC  

But if it was 3+ party’s then the stakes are way higher

2019-04-15 23:18:22 UTC  

Maybe it would actually make the ‘big two’ kick their game up a notch

2019-04-15 23:18:23 UTC  

problem with loads of parties though is you get these coallitions in power that can't do anything

2019-04-15 23:18:32 UTC  

Just like UKIP forcing a referendum

2019-04-15 23:18:40 UTC  

lots of european countries have coalition governments... UK seems to be going that way

2019-04-15 23:18:47 UTC  

Rappers loved Donald Trump

2019-04-15 23:18:49 UTC  

I like how it is in the Netherlands with many many small parties none of which hold majority, i suspect that ends up with the constituents views being better represented

2019-04-15 23:18:50 UTC  

until he ran for office