Message from @Uksio

Discord ID: 570443812586127382

2019-04-24 02:20:27 UTC  

Motoko has a fully artificial body

2019-04-24 02:20:39 UTC  

There is no "getting naked" for her

2019-04-24 02:21:57 UTC  


2019-04-24 02:22:04 UTC  

transhuman bodies are real bodies
change my mind

2019-04-24 02:22:08 UTC  


2019-04-24 02:22:45 UTC  

They are. But they don't have the same sanctity as biological bodyparts

2019-04-24 02:22:59 UTC  

Because biological parts don't grow back

2019-04-24 02:23:06 UTC  

Prosthetics are replaceable

2019-04-24 02:24:28 UTC  

In a permanent "Ship of Theseus" conundrum

2019-04-24 02:33:55 UTC  

ship of theseus is not really confusing from a programming point of view
you would say that the modified ship is still an instance of the class (ship of theseus) but is not identical to the original instance of the class

2019-04-24 02:34:19 UTC  


2019-04-24 02:34:43 UTC  

problem is when you hear 'the ship of theseus' you assume it's a particular, not a class

2019-04-24 02:34:48 UTC  

tbh, the 'problem' itself isn't really a problem, because of what you just said

2019-04-24 02:35:51 UTC  

The Ship of Theseus was never presented as a paradox

2019-04-24 02:36:24 UTC  

i think it is kind of a paradox

2019-04-24 02:36:30 UTC  

because it is and isn't the same ship

2019-04-24 02:38:38 UTC  

You know the best part about growing up with nothing? Nothing! But you know what makes it bearable? Knowing that you were surrounded by a lot of other people who cared about you, who had just as much. Which was nothing. But itโ€™s not just a Compton thing, whether it be the favelas of Rio, the projects of the Bronx, the slums of Mumbai, or the farms and the factories of the Heartland. Struggle is everywhere. And it always brings people together into a community that looks out for each other. But if you bust your hump And get lucky enough to make it out, the number-one rule is never forget where you came from And never ever forget the people who helped you rise.
That's why so many successful people roll with the same crew they came up with. Those were the people who always looked out for you Always had your back, and you were always gonna have theirs.

2019-04-24 02:46:52 UTC  

Too wholesome

2019-04-24 02:46:56 UTC  


2019-04-24 02:48:03 UTC  

Also never go back

2019-04-24 03:00:03 UTC  

@Tero Oh the chosen one, you peer through the Matrix itself

2019-04-24 03:00:36 UTC  


2019-04-24 03:01:01 UTC  

> ship of theseus is not a paradox from a programming perspective

2019-04-24 03:05:09 UTC  

@Tero I disagree. If you took a hash of the instance (Theseus) from the class (ship), modified a variable within the instance (replaced a plank), then calculated a new hash, the hashes would not match.

2019-04-24 03:09:06 UTC  

But what if you still need it to be recognised as (Theseus) with different hashes due to changed plank?

2019-04-24 03:10:38 UTC  

Just like the original question, it all comes down to how you calculate the hash.

2019-04-24 03:11:02 UTC  

` you took a hash of the instance (Theseus) from the class (ship)`
no i am saying that ship of theseus is the class

2019-04-24 03:11:47 UTC  

I would argue that's an incorrect interpretation of the question in a programming context

2019-04-24 03:11:57 UTC  

both the original and any modified versions of the original would still be of the same class, if its design is unchanged

2019-04-24 03:16:59 UTC  

or you can go with platonic forms and say like, despite each particular chair being a unique assemblage of certain legs and a base, they all partake of the abstract idea of a chair

2019-04-24 03:18:45 UTC  

holy crap

2019-04-24 03:18:55 UTC  

Majira Strawberry is live streaming

2019-04-24 03:23:25 UTC  


2019-04-24 03:31:20 UTC  

244,000 people are furries

2019-04-24 03:31:40 UTC  

that's like a field army formation

2019-04-24 04:04:57 UTC  

I'm watching a video of a based, boomer, Hindu white guy break down an analysis of Lord of the Rings from a Vedic perspective

2019-04-24 04:07:20 UTC  

@Fitzydog reading the Kama sutra isn't going to get you any more pussy

2019-04-24 04:08:27 UTC  

Becoming spiritually complete is more fulfilling than any mere pussy

2019-04-24 04:08:30 UTC  


2019-04-24 04:09:55 UTC  

Your lineage ends here, cuck <:pepe_smug:560207654207750154>