Message from @Tero

Discord ID: 587353140056293377

2019-06-09 18:22:29 UTC  


2019-06-09 18:22:32 UTC  

stop scaring meeeeeeeee

2019-06-09 18:29:58 UTC  

Damn Iceland going in

There's like 300k people. Less options

2019-06-09 18:42:01 UTC  

@Jules Winnfield jules you have all the stds known to man

2019-06-09 18:42:05 UTC  

and a few unknown ones

2019-06-09 18:42:17 UTC  

Oh no

2019-06-09 18:42:21 UTC  

trunks gave you them when he raped and killed you in 1990

2019-06-09 18:42:31 UTC  


2019-06-09 18:42:40 UTC  


2019-06-09 18:42:48 UTC  

No one can beat jules

2019-06-09 18:43:10 UTC  


2019-06-09 18:43:14 UTC  


2019-06-09 18:43:21 UTC  

Even STDs

2019-06-09 18:43:24 UTC  


2019-06-09 18:43:27 UTC  


2019-06-09 18:43:53 UTC  

proud of u

2019-06-09 18:44:07 UTC  

So is my mom

2019-06-09 18:44:12 UTC  


2019-06-09 18:44:32 UTC  


2019-06-09 18:51:41 UTC  

wow, didn't know that Mandela, in addition to founding a terrorist organisation, also hung out with communist jews

2019-06-09 18:52:04 UTC  


2019-06-09 19:25:04 UTC  

Using data on 1,396 rapes reported in the National Crime Survey, we examine various explanations for interracial (black offender—white victim) rape. We find little support for the hypothesis, derived from conflict theory, that interracial rape reflects black economic deprivation and politicalization. Interracial, as opposed to intraracial, rapes were no more frequent in cities with high black poverty, unemployment, or racial inequality. Nor does interracial rape appear to result from blacks' limited sexual access to white women; we do not find the expected relationship between a city's interracial marriage rate and the racial composition of rape. Rather, in support of Blau's macrostructural theory, the racial patterning of rape is most strongly influenced by opportunities for interpersonal contact between whites and blacks. Both the racial composition of a city, representing the pool of rape victims or offenders of a particular race, and the degree of black-white residential segregation emerged as significant predictors of the racial patterning of rape. Finally, we find no evidence that black rapists, given equivalent opportunities to rape a white or a black woman, prefer white victims. In fact, during the course of robberies involving strangers, black men are slightly more likely to rape a black woman than a white woman.

2019-06-09 19:26:17 UTC  


2019-06-09 19:27:31 UTC

2019-06-09 19:27:40 UTC  


2019-06-09 19:27:42 UTC  

Literally same.

2019-06-09 19:27:57 UTC  

you never raped a white whamen before @MountainMan

2019-06-09 19:28:10 UTC  

@Deleted User I am talking about the meme with the black guy

2019-06-09 19:28:28 UTC  

I am finding the meme relatable

2019-06-09 19:28:32 UTC  


2019-06-09 19:28:33 UTC  


2019-06-09 19:28:43 UTC  

Im glad you liked it FREN

2019-06-09 19:28:43 UTC  

what are you talking about

2019-06-09 19:28:51 UTC  

of course I liked it FREN

2019-06-09 19:29:35 UTC  


- Styxhexenhammer666

- Trent Lapinski

- @SavageSam🎙

2019-06-09 19:32:07 UTC
hey bro nice city you have there, shame if something were to happen to it

2019-06-09 19:32:44 UTC  

I found a copy pasta guys

2019-06-09 19:32:52 UTC  

" just shut the fuck up. Don't you dare mention my country ever again in any of your unflattering, self loathing word, phrase or your garbage sentence you strung together.
Every American student that comes to my country is a stupid, moronic, underachieving, wannabe smart person. They always score the lowest in tests & exams yet they're unable to display any form of humility nor admit their failures but would rather deny it proudly lol sad & embarrassing upbringing as a nation. But we or should I say my custom & culture is against discrimination & 'put you in your place' kind of activity towards foreigners & American moron scumbags. Idk if only the idiots choose to come here or are sent here but I must say, these retards who usually come for studies by means of U.S education or exchange student quota thinking that they're educational system back home (U.S) is adequately proportionate and evenly matched with other country's level of intellectual capacity & understanding when in reality, American students lack 5-6 classes behind the likes of Japan, British, German, EU, Chinese & Indian educational institutions. No wonder Asian, Europeans and mostly Indian people take over every higher professional job positions and are preferred choice over dumb,lazy, white trash, unemployable, weak & emotional Americans who are nothing but useless, fat obese morons who sit on their asses all day long whining, crying & expecting the govt to pour wine & cheese into their talkative bark-no-bite mouths.

2019-06-09 19:32:54 UTC  

That's all, for now. But if you have a reply, I'd be happy to inform you on what I know about you people even though I haven't stepped foot in American soil and not planning to anytime soon that I can write a book on you people & how the Jewish brainchild & puppet masters have created an economy that can sustain its puppets and sheep by stealing a country from indigenous tribesmen & people's calling it their own, later annihilating them, enslaving Africans to do their dirty work. I hate well-known bigots & racists who pretend like they're not just because of the world we live in has become so fake as to pretend like these assholes and their sick mentality & actions hadn't happened in history & suddenly act like human beings when in truth, what people did & thought back then, doesn't change mentally. It just doesn't happen because of rules, regulations, technological advances and most of all, globalization. Once a racist, always a racist. It comes from ethnic groups & ancestry."