Message from @JayJS
Discord ID: 611594611097600000
Chad trad Thot
Or a c.c.t
i love finding out that novel chemicals pervasive in the modern environment actually have nefarious hidden effects decades after everyone was exposed <:HonkHonk:566814473646768128>
the real fun clown works is that they the manufacturers did know about it
I got suspended on twitter by a commie for posting this image
for abuse and harassment.
I'm the Liberal
Anyways; it seems pretty clear now that Epstein had been strangled by somebody corrupt inside the prison
fun fact: Lewinski's cum dress was also blue
Now what are the odds of her just stealing said dress from a personal collection of a crosdressing Bill?
Monica π
leg holster get
to holster my gun
on my leg
how else am I going to carry my handgun while I'm not using it?
down the back of my trousers? like a negro?
I'd hold it in my hand
while also holding a rifle?