Message from @lancashirelad
Discord ID: 617845069948518574
they think getting mexico to pay for the wall is identical to getting china to pay for tariffs
nevermind that leverage is a thing
twitter is driving me insane, im typing in all caps guys
i dont even view twitter that often
I got inspired to join you merry lot by a angry white knight calling me a "Gamer gate, incel virgin alt righter"
Fuck of we're full
Then remove yourself
No Gamer Gaters here. <:pepe_smug:560207654207750154>
None at all
Is there a safe space nearby?
I need a emergency get out of opposition free card
No, we play on nightmare difficulty
Holy hell
I think thats too hardcore for me
Ive been playing on "Sheltered" difficulty
Depends what you said to be called such harsh words
I cant post the image so its generalization time
1. My original 4 word post was stupid
2. Describing Christ Church and what I could recall was factual along with some sources
3. Asking that he state sources for his claims
4. Zoe Quinn is a proven liar
5. Ironic statement about how I was absolutely mentally dead when I wrote the original message
Thats what earned me that savage thrashing
as long as youre gonna drop commies out of helis with us youre welcome
Thats oddly specific
Just Helis?
eh its the general roadmap for the next two decades
I have pictures of the conversation so if anyone wants a possible laugh just ask
Another recruit for the AltRight <:sad:382980750347206666>
According to him
I was already AltRight
Flawless execution
The death of one is a tragedy. The death of millions is but a statistic
One of my fav stalin quotes
- Man with the worlds second largest KD
Mao killed 30,000,000+ people wym
Stalin only killed like 11 or 12