Message from @NigNog1488
Discord ID: 448902228560838676
Quickly is like something edgy teens want to do. The virgin fast speak vs the chad calculated pause
I don’t get it
I hate vens fast voice
Serious question why do Asians eat everything out of a bowl
Like do Asians own plates
Because of chopsticks
Literally the reason why
People that can speak quickly do tend to have higher iqs
I once got steak in a literal bowl
Aand was none too pleased
People that can speak quickly do tend to have higher iqs
Epic tomato sau ece
@NobleManWithABigHeart [citation needed]
I mean Asians may have a high IQ but their culture is kinda poop tier
Muh tentacles muh wooden sticks
etweet me and now i feel epic sauce tomatoe soup epic sauc
They eat out of bowls because they export all the fine *china* they produce
European imperialism wins again
Asians have a good traditional culture many times
That’s why many MGTOWs will only settle@for Asian women
This is true
First correct thing he’s said all day
I do envy the ethnonationalism Asians have
Imagine owning that shirt
If America goes to shit beyond repair I am leaving for japan
I'd go to Eastern Europe