Message from @Barry White
Discord ID: 448988460703809536
I watched that movie
Trump is basically the reincarnation of George Washington
Born to restore this nation
what did you think? @AlGoreRhythm
i still havent seen it
Watch to be a hero
It's about a guy who gets sucked into a toilet and gains super powers
But it's deep
Boyband Nationalism
More like Soyband
does nick unironically like rap music?
No, He listens to Hank Williams 24/7. He's memeing you.
best song ever is despactio <:cringe:402359483117862932>
stunning and brave
she gave up her gun for our safety
truly a hero
He did that with a cross above his head. He'll burn in hell for that.
This song but unironically
They’re letting the guys play 3 days early before the women buy it and ruin it
i got a subwoofer in my car cuz i guess im a negro
that fucking trailer
@WOMP WOMP boi I put a new radio in my truck the other day
yeah i installed amp, stereo, and subs all at once
I almost melted the damn hookup when I heatshrinked the wire connections
but it works