Message from @Oliver Starley
Discord ID: 416637922314551296
Trust me if I lived in poland after ww2 no german would go back home alive
Let's see, they caused the fall of Rome, they made WWI worse, they practically started WWII to make up for WWI and then to "apologize" they started importing millions of incompatible people. Yep, the Germans have to go.
Austria is cool though. They can stay.
And they also tried to enslave the poles for almost a thousand years
I think Hitler was using the gas on the wrong people
He was.
And I respect austria for fighting off the ottomans
They did it before and they will do it again
Rome was a mistake
Rome was fine. Germans were a mistake
Rome was degenerate
Basically a Greek Colony
Greece - Rome UK - US
Now that I remember that Romans frequently partook in child fiddling (they were infamously known as catamites), it was for the best that they be sacked
They were not as pederastic as the Greeks
The Latins and Etruscans looked down on it
It was more of the Greeks that came and those that idolized their culture
Well, shit. Why didn't the Germans go after Greece instead?
Greece is not extremely hospitable
Mountainous and not a lot of flat arsbke land
Gas the Germans still
Cucks gonna cuck
>tfw a lot of cowboys are not white
Cowboys were originally mexican
Fun fact
Many cowboys today still are
@superkrol those are Tejanos your referring to
No mattter what, cowboys are neat
@MerricBrady sorry
I retract my statement
Society is crumbling before our eyes
What's the reason to change to this server from this server below
how is it any different?
There's more, dare I say it, diversity in this one
why not close the server if it's not used anymore?
or block chat in <#392478767274262529> and redirect people here