Message from @Constantine

Discord ID: 563084142305345556

2019-04-03 19:25:19 UTC  

lol imagine thinking a TERF is your friend because you both dislike trannies. feminism is a plague on your culture, trannies are just a symptom.

2019-04-03 19:26:04 UTC  

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

2019-04-03 19:26:19 UTC  

The friend of my enemy is also my enemy.

2019-04-03 19:26:22 UTC  

That's how we ended up with al-Qaeda and ISIS

2019-04-03 19:26:41 UTC  

And we cleaned house years later, shit worked out.

2019-04-03 19:27:01 UTC  

Assad, Iran, and Russia maybe, but not us

2019-04-03 19:27:18 UTC  

We empower TERFs for a while, modern feminism implodes for good, we downplay TERFs for a while and, boom, HOUSE CLEANED.

2019-04-03 19:27:33 UTC  

I was just giving the terfs some credit. they're still my enemy.

2019-04-03 19:28:24 UTC  

Terfs are more likely to appeal to more women. A dangerous game, we might reempower the feminism of the 60s. I'd rather play on the trannies if I had to pick

2019-04-03 19:29:19 UTC  

Most of Europe and the USA became friends with the Soviet Union to kick Hitler's ass, then everyone mellowed Russians more and more until they became somewhat irrelevant and soft again.

2019-04-03 19:29:42 UTC  

60s feminism was miles and miles better than whatever we're seeing now.

2019-04-03 19:30:30 UTC  

Are you kidding? Today's feminist movement is just degeneracy and hedonism, the 2nd wave was out for blood and wanted actual power

2019-04-03 19:30:49 UTC  

Feminists currently want to...
· Reduce the testosterone of children
· Castrate men
· Get paid for existing
· Murder without reason any fetus, any baby, any newborn
· Control all forms of media and entertainment
· Control every single source of power and money

2019-04-03 19:31:17 UTC  

60s feminism was weak as fuck when compared to the current climate.

2019-04-03 19:31:26 UTC  

They also want to ruin video games

2019-04-03 19:31:34 UTC  

Gloria Steinem was a literal CIA asset

2019-04-03 19:31:43 UTC  

I forgot, gonna add their obsession with mass media and entertainment

2019-04-03 19:32:36 UTC  

Either you're blind, trolling... or you've already gone through #1 and #2.

2019-04-03 19:34:15 UTC  

Constantine, would it hurt if I kicked your balls or are they gone already?

2019-04-03 19:35:11 UTC  

1960s feminists didn't want to regulate all entertainment, 1960s feminists didn't want to murder babies, 1960s feminists didn't want to take most testosterone out of children...

2019-04-03 19:35:21 UTC  

One wants to destroy me, the other will coddle me if I call myself a woman

2019-04-03 19:35:39 UTC  

Are you seriously telling me 2nd wave feminists weren't pro-abortion?

2019-04-03 19:36:03 UTC  

Not to the 9th month, not even after birth.

2019-04-03 19:36:35 UTC  

They still obeyed basic medicine, they knew the dangers and cruelty of killing a 7-month baby.

2019-04-03 19:36:38 UTC  

And who lit that fuse? You're fighting the symptoms, not the disease.

2019-04-03 19:37:15 UTC  

"I wish I had pneumonia, coughing is so annoying!" - @Constantine, 2019, maybe.

2019-04-03 19:37:36 UTC  

No, that's you.

2019-04-03 19:38:13 UTC  

You're literally supporting a movement that wants YOU dead even if you support them.

2019-04-03 19:38:22 UTC  

You're like those pro-Muslim feminists.

2019-04-03 19:38:40 UTC  

How can you be so dumb while not having died before turning 7?

2019-04-03 19:39:05 UTC  

I'm not supporting either. I'm just saying that today's feminists are brainlets who are no real threat. The second wave was absolute cancer.

2019-04-03 19:39:07 UTC  

We definitely need less safety measures. You wouldn't be here, that'd be nice.

2019-04-03 19:39:22 UTC  

Yes, you are supporting it.

2019-04-03 19:40:27 UTC  

Yep, you're right, I'm just a retard. Your comprehension skills are impeccable.

2019-04-03 19:40:38 UTC  

I will call this piece of art
"Confessions of a brain-damaged cuck"

2019-04-03 19:41:40 UTC  

Also, 🇨 🇴 🇩 🇩 🇱 🇪. In case anyone needed more proof of the actual brain damage.

2019-04-03 19:42:11 UTC  

I've also said that I'd prefer living under Sharia than globohomo. Does that mean I support a Muslim takeover?

2019-04-03 19:42:30 UTC  

Yes, in a way, and that's absolutely disgusting.

2019-04-03 19:42:45 UTC  

You changed it, you sleazy cunt.

2019-04-03 19:43:05 UTC  

It used to say "neoliberalism" instead of "globohomo".

2019-04-03 19:43:17 UTC  

Brain-damaged? Yes.
Sleazy cheating cunt? Even more.