Message from @druiz

Discord ID: 563090470536740864

2019-04-03 19:41:40 UTC  

Also, 🇨 🇴 🇩 🇩 🇱 🇪. In case anyone needed more proof of the actual brain damage.

2019-04-03 19:42:11 UTC  

I've also said that I'd prefer living under Sharia than globohomo. Does that mean I support a Muslim takeover?

2019-04-03 19:42:30 UTC  

Yes, in a way, and that's absolutely disgusting.

2019-04-03 19:42:45 UTC  

You changed it, you sleazy cunt.

2019-04-03 19:43:05 UTC  

It used to say "neoliberalism" instead of "globohomo".

2019-04-03 19:43:17 UTC  

Brain-damaged? Yes.
Sleazy cheating cunt? Even more.

2019-04-03 19:43:24 UTC  

No shit, it says edited. Not like there's much of a difference.

2019-04-03 19:43:28 UTC  

Are you okay?

2019-04-03 19:44:05 UTC  

"Not like there is much of a difference (between neoliberalism and globohomo)" - @Constantine, 2019.

2019-04-03 19:44:37 UTC  

There isn't

2019-04-03 19:47:14 UTC  

OPEN POLL - Use reactions to this message!
<:Thoughts:408715607555702784> - @Constantine is not trolling, he actually thinks the shit he is typing.
<:Merchant:437035074249162772> - @Constantine is lying/trolling.

2019-04-03 19:47:42 UTC  

react to this message if you get people fired because of their beliefs

2019-04-03 19:47:54 UTC  

waitin on druiz to react

2019-04-03 19:48:13 UTC  

It is their actions and the possibility of high danger.

2019-04-03 19:48:31 UTC  

Would you put your life into the hands of a doctor that wants your kind dead?

2019-04-03 19:49:23 UTC  

Would you expect fair treatment out of a realtor that has said multiple times your kind should starve to death on the streets?

2019-04-03 19:50:56 UTC  

I would never work anywhere near high responsibility, specially in dangerous places, because I know I am biased and I would not give proper service to everyone.

2019-04-03 19:51:31 UTC  

Make me the bodyguard of certain politicians and either I go rogue straightaway or I might warn some people of my recurrent "distractions".

2019-04-03 19:53:09 UTC  

Nazi doctors tortured and killed quite a few of their non-Nazi patients.

2019-04-03 19:53:32 UTC  

I do not want any doctor ever to think even remotely like them.

2019-04-03 20:00:29 UTC  

Not as far as today and you know that.

2019-04-03 20:00:41 UTC  

Current feminists are fine with murdering healthy newborns.

2019-04-03 20:01:02 UTC  

They still advocated for it before then. That's what lead up to Roe vs Wade

2019-04-03 20:01:30 UTC  

Roe v. Wade was NEVER about "aborting" newborns, not even 8th-month abortions!

2019-04-03 20:01:40 UTC  

They pushed it on the state level and congressional level and have been pushing the bill further and further since 1973

2019-04-03 20:01:51 UTC  

Only reason 1960's feminists didn't advocate for dead newborns is because they knew they couldn't get away with it.

2019-04-03 20:02:00 UTC  

We now know the storyline, we can avoid it from happening.

2019-04-03 20:02:03 UTC  

That's the thing about the left, up until recently, they were good at boiling the frog

2019-04-03 20:02:28 UTC  

This was likely the final goal, they just played their hand masterfully

2019-04-03 20:02:37 UTC  

If you promote TERFs and 60s-style feminism makes a come back, you can stop it BEFORE it turns into present-day feminism.

2019-04-03 20:03:06 UTC  

Feminism was terrible from day 1.

2019-04-03 20:03:08 UTC  

Not all feminists were psycho killers, it was a lot more rare back then.

2019-04-03 20:03:22 UTC  

@Deleted User - People grow old and die. It's about giving the right lessons to the young ones.

2019-04-03 20:03:34 UTC  

The scum manifesto was the height of 2nd wave feminist work

2019-04-03 20:03:45 UTC  

Schools and colleges are to blame for modern-day feminism, they're the only cause.

2019-04-03 20:04:14 UTC  

Where the fuck do those people come from? From colleges!

2019-04-03 20:04:38 UTC  

Every single director and screenwriter has gone through college to some degree (pun intended).

2019-04-03 20:04:56 UTC  

And they infiltrated the education system in the 60s

2019-04-03 20:05:23 UTC  

Also the msm was pretty much unstoppable up until the 2010s

2019-04-03 20:05:43 UTC  

You can regulate social studies and you can regulate what kids learn. It's not about total control, it's about moving them away from certain ideas.

2019-04-03 20:06:12 UTC  

@Constantine - Every single fucking TV talking head is a college student.