Message from @Uberduperdrew

Discord ID: 581688638350295081

2019-05-25 03:00:20 UTC  

Federal Law is becoming less and less important

2019-05-25 03:03:00 UTC  

Right but roe.v Wade is what prevents laws at the state level from being enforceable.

2019-05-25 03:03:15 UTC  

If it was overturned it wouldn't ban abortion outright. It would be up to the states.

2019-05-25 03:03:52 UTC  

Unless a law was passed on the federal level banning it, which states would likely ignore the way they do marijuana and immigration laws.

2019-05-25 03:04:38 UTC  

I just feel like the reasoning about abortion rights being a privacy issue is a stretch.

2019-05-25 03:05:21 UTC  

Personally I am glad that the supreme court has more conservative justices now.

2019-05-25 03:05:51 UTC  

I feel like it was liberal controlled for too long. In fact much of the judicial branch is liberal.

2019-05-25 03:06:52 UTC  

thats interesting, because I hear the opposite, but I live in one of the most liberal areas of the country so it might just be a factor of degrees

2019-05-25 03:09:20 UTC  

From my perspective, the courts are always quick to overstep their bounds and issue injunctions against the executive branch when a conservative contorls it.

2019-05-25 03:10:28 UTC  

For instance all of the immigration stuff Trump has tried to enforce. There is always some judge in Hawaii or something that stays he can't do it.

2019-05-25 03:11:10 UTC  

well thats because Hawai'i is the most liberal state of the Union

2019-05-25 03:11:25 UTC  

they have the longest history of voting 'blue' out of any state

2019-05-25 03:11:38 UTC  

but yeah, I get your point

2019-05-25 03:11:39 UTC  

Personally I feel like the judicial branch has it's nose to deep in to the executive branches business. In my eyes it would be like Trump going in to a court and declaring a judges verdict invalid

2019-05-25 03:12:43 UTC  

He executive branch isn't supposed to have to seek permission from the courts for everythinng they do.

2019-05-25 03:13:46 UTC  

And you just hit the nail on the head. Hawaii is blue so the judges out there rule against the conservative president. And that's the problem. Judges are supposed to interpret the law, not legislate form the bench.

2019-05-25 03:14:34 UTC  

well its more what I was talking about the decline in power of the Federal Government, states are quite literally ignoring Federal decisions and just doing their own thing

2019-05-25 03:15:06 UTC  

anyway I gotta go to dinner 😃 be well

2019-05-25 03:15:28 UTC  

Have a good dinner

2019-05-25 03:41:33 UTC  

How was the day @Uberduperdrew ?

2019-05-25 03:42:58 UTC  

It was alright. I didn't over sleep so that was good. Met the cable vendor at work..they pulled a new cable. I was able to finish installing the network for the new office area my team is moving in to. Overall made good progress today.

2019-05-25 03:43:11 UTC  


2019-05-25 03:43:46 UTC  

I know you said you had to be in early.

2019-05-25 06:46:59 UTC  

Ah, a fellow network engineer!

2019-05-25 06:51:24 UTC  

Damn, just read all that about federal vs state. US politics sounds like a mess

2019-05-25 15:16:55 UTC  

Yeah it can be a mess.

2019-05-25 15:17:22 UTC  

The thing to keep in mind is that initially the union was meant to be for defense mostly.

2019-05-25 15:18:45 UTC  

Yep, the principles were to allow states to have a lot of discretion in enacting laws.

2019-05-25 19:31:45 UTC  

We need posters like this one

2019-05-25 19:32:20 UTC  

What happened to the posters thing anyway? Is that idea abandoned now ?

2019-05-25 20:39:54 UTC  

That movie was so bad. They deleted tens of thousands of negative user reviews and it's still rated as rotten on rotten tomatoes.

2019-05-25 20:41:41 UTC  

I mean it would have been ok, if not for the feminist agenda message throughout the whole thing

2019-05-25 20:45:28 UTC

2019-05-25 23:45:45 UTC  

2019-05-25 23:47:53 UTC  


2019-05-25 23:48:21 UTC  

how do I begin this

2019-05-25 23:49:01 UTC  

I have a real situation on my hands

2019-05-25 23:49:23 UTC  

and I'm looking for some help

2019-05-25 23:50:44 UTC  

Grew up in an abusive household, psycho mom, like black magic psycho

2019-05-25 23:51:15 UTC  

ah I see a crisis hotline