Message from @Fazz

Discord ID: 586965797990039554

2019-06-08 16:33:58 UTC  

you can do simple ones for cheap to, i make ones like these:

2019-06-08 16:34:52 UTC  

Yikes. They charge?

2019-06-08 16:35:01 UTC  

just basic microsoft word plain paper

2019-06-08 16:35:02 UTC  


2019-06-08 16:35:05 UTC  

I guess it stops waste

2019-06-08 16:35:49 UTC  

My view is a poster should have two or three sentances max, personally. I think it helps get the point across

2019-06-08 16:35:55 UTC  

yeah, but i went through $7 of paper for a few documents

2019-06-08 16:36:13 UTC  
2019-06-08 16:36:29 UTC  

i should find something relevant for the country and situation too

2019-06-08 16:38:00 UTC  

@Fazz How much!? Wow

2019-06-08 16:38:17 UTC  

Is it like 50ยข a sheet?

2019-06-08 16:39:59 UTC  

i dont know i forgot haha, but i'ts kinda expensive, around 20 to 40cts a sheet

2019-06-08 16:46:31 UTC  

@Men Are Human have an idea about when the website will be done ?

2019-06-08 16:50:44 UTC  

@Fazz it's hard to say. One of our team was making it, but they have had to take a break from it due to personal issues. They'll be back soon. If it continues, I'll have to take over and work something up.

2019-06-08 16:50:59 UTC  


2019-06-08 16:51:14 UTC  

well, shit happens in life, understandable

2019-06-08 16:56:46 UTC  

@Fazz Yeah, it's kinda rough. But he'll be back. If not, I'll deal with it.

2019-06-08 16:57:21 UTC  

hope he will get out of whatever the problem is

2019-06-08 17:03:47 UTC  

Me too.

2019-06-08 17:08:41 UTC  

So what other crazy crap is happening in your country @Fazz ?

2019-06-08 17:12:31 UTC  

well, they constantly have flyers in the university, they tend to make big campains about the clito (yeah thanks i know about it) and generaly speaking just always cry about equality

we also have the same mentality of other europeans country, so it doesnt really get better. oh, and also the number of immigrants keep rising, so does the crime rate (proved by the data of the confederation) and refering about it is basically nazism for everyone

2019-06-08 17:18:12 UTC  

Clito? What's that?

2019-06-08 17:18:57 UTC  

but yeah, the university is the worse, they changed the grammar of the language everywhere (mails to posters) to "make it more feminine", they always ignore the inequalities of men (like enrollement) cause manspreading is so much more important

2019-06-08 17:21:55 UTC  

@Fazz Yeah. It's things like manspreadding that make people realise they have no real issues.

2019-06-08 17:22:03 UTC  

So there's that at least.

2019-06-08 17:22:14 UTC  


2019-06-08 17:23:00 UTC  

it's one of the only thing accessible without a bit of research that can make people open their eyes

2019-06-08 17:49:09 UTC  

That and when they pull crap like screeching on TV. Or attacking people.

2019-06-08 17:50:59 UTC  

I can't find it as a clip, but this video is about onenof my favourite outbursts of theirs.

2019-06-08 17:54:58 UTC  

will watch ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2019-06-08 18:03:12 UTC  

i personally loved the jordan peterson / cathy newman encounter

2019-06-08 18:04:11 UTC  

Oh yeah, that's a fun one. Lol.

2019-06-08 18:04:36 UTC  

i also bought his book, a lot of common sense

2019-06-08 18:04:48 UTC  

Which one? Warren Farrell?

2019-06-08 18:04:55 UTC  

I recommend those

2019-06-08 18:05:02 UTC  

Jordan Peterson, 12 rules for life

2019-06-08 18:05:07 UTC  

Oh cool

2019-06-08 18:05:08 UTC  

i recommend it a lot

2019-06-08 18:06:40 UTC  

Warren Farrell has a lot of key arguments.

2019-06-08 18:06:57 UTC  

What's the JP book like?