Message from @LowLandsPete

Discord ID: 569856486617120778

2019-04-22 11:34:03 UTC  


2019-04-22 11:35:45 UTC  

They are doing yoga and keep apologising for there disruption .. I’m not sure how these people can be saved when truths come out 😂 i would not like to be there 🤣

2019-04-22 11:36:27 UTC  

Do you know if the Ukraine comedian who become president is a true patriot please @LowLandsPete

2019-04-22 11:36:46 UTC  


2019-04-22 11:37:12 UTC  

I know he an actor and plays in comedies

2019-04-22 11:38:14 UTC  

can't be much worse then Willy Wonka

2019-04-22 11:40:18 UTC  
2019-04-22 11:40:21 UTC  

Sounding like most country’s are ready to vote in patriots anyway if they have one 👍 .. kinda fucked when you need a comedian to run your country lol but probably it can go better

2019-04-22 11:43:08 UTC  

Well, he's a Jew.. to get that out of the way

2019-04-22 11:43:50 UTC  

and he played the role as president in a tv show

2019-04-22 11:45:02 UTC  

and his dad is a professor who heads an academic department of cybernetics and computing hardware

2019-04-22 11:48:32 UTC  

Oh fuck 😂🤣 @LowLandsPete .. i doubt Putin likes that with Estonia .. i never knew they had a transgender president .. 👍 probably he is hand picked then .. not sure European country’s will get patriots in the race easy .. most look awake and ready from a outside view ?

2019-04-22 11:49:08 UTC  

U.K. would vote a far lefty in at this point probably

2019-04-22 11:50:19 UTC  

No news on MSM of anything of Europe or USA etc so world seems perfect if you take a quick look at the news and are not hassled in your life by the issues

2019-04-22 11:51:57 UTC  

technically they just put a man in the office....regardless of how ur supposed to refer them as

2019-04-22 11:52:38 UTC  

basically they just avoided putting a real woman in u got nobody that wants to have sex with...except for other trans

2019-04-22 11:52:39 UTC  

Western European politics is a bit more complex there are no outsiders like trump that can take over the show (no army to back him her to enforce it), our system has to be broken down in bits and reinvented.

2019-04-22 11:56:11 UTC  

@SirW00f most of the european leaders don't have kids so that doesn't matter and their kicks they get elsewhere.

2019-04-22 12:04:03 UTC  

well they weren't ment to survive agenda 2030

2019-04-22 12:04:25 UTC  

unless they got dual citizenship with israel

2019-04-22 12:06:13 UTC  

Zionist can get a passport when they need it.

2019-04-22 12:07:01 UTC  

also to saudi arabia

2019-04-22 12:07:02 UTC  

the zionists are the ones with dual citizenship with israel

2019-04-22 12:07:25 UTC  

it's their grand plan to be the only race left

2019-04-22 12:07:50 UTC  

and have a small sampling of loyal puppets

2019-04-22 12:10:26 UTC  

then u got the 'buy-in' ppl ...

2019-04-22 12:10:40 UTC  

basically rich ppl that buy into the agenda

2019-04-22 12:11:00 UTC  

2012 movie shoulda taught u that

2019-04-22 12:13:05 UTC  

it's political many races are within the zionist movement .. Israel is not just a jewish thing its all mayor religions that have their claim on it.. we can argue about why that shitty piece of rock is so important but it's not just "the jews" that want to exterminate all others.. it's all of them... Its their jewish rule they deem supreme over all others but that game is being played for centuries now and unless a miracle happens it will continue for a long time like this .. whether it's jews christians or muslims they all want the same thing.

2019-04-22 12:17:55 UTC  

Nature needs biodiversity or else it go's extinct... imagine a planet with only jews... how would they make money?

2019-04-22 12:20:26 UTC  

Imagine england being cut of from the main land.. how many generations would it take before you are dating a family member.

2019-04-22 12:39:32 UTC  

hello to France patriot of humanity. Happy Easter and stay in the path of God. God protect the babies and humanity. god bless 🙏

2019-04-22 12:41:55 UTC  

I would put here part of the Luciferian plan from the zion written in August 1872...

2019-04-22 17:24:10 UTC  

Abortion survivor missing limbs has 'to live with someone else's choice'

2019-04-22 20:36:54 UTC  

I started a blog on Wordpress and wanted to share. I hope to share inspiring ideas that help keep everyone in a positive mindset.

2019-04-22 20:47:53 UTC
**The Whore of Babylon Revealed: Christians worldwide need to not only prepare to EXIT any "Church body" that endorses and supports this but to be ready to battle this on all fronts and make FLANKING MANOEUVRES upon THE ENEMIES of Christ. These people cannot be loved that support this Evil and Sinister Agenda. SPIRITUAL WARFARE WARRIORS, THE CALL IS NOW TO RALLY THE TROOPS. As the Enemy has his Legion, so shall we as Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus - Yeshua. AMOUR UP! SILENT NO MORE!**

2019-04-22 21:01:22 UTC
OldEon Paul video defending Assange. Then a recent update with him after Assange’s being expelled from Ecuadorian Embassy