Message from @Steve Angell

Discord ID: 572774572408045568

2019-04-30 05:08:50 UTC  

Glad I missed that!

2019-04-30 05:09:15 UTC  

natxlaw: I hear that one!

2019-04-30 05:14:03 UTC  

oh ya i remembr hearing that too CAA

2019-04-30 05:14:13 UTC  

they are a very powerful agency

2019-04-30 05:18:00 UTC

2019-04-30 05:18:20 UTC  

They got everything "creative"

2019-04-30 05:20:59 UTC  

If Q is a larp these guys would have made it.

2019-04-30 05:23:31 UTC  

I think the C_A in the Q post is CIA, 🀑 Clowns In Action 🀑 Honk

2019-04-30 05:53:08 UTC  

importing and dealing meth

2019-04-30 05:53:21 UTC  

oh and producing too

2019-04-30 10:24:41 UTC

2019-04-30 11:30:52 UTC  

πŸ‘† πŸ‘† πŸ‘† πŸ‘† πŸ‘†

2019-04-30 11:40:33 UTC  

That was just a simple post. Trying to find written articles on it. Probably in reference to on-going actions being taken in the LIVE. Might not have hard reports being made as of yet. Might have to wait a bit to get hard copy reports on LIVE Current Actions being taken.

2019-04-30 11:41:25 UTC  

RT has been streaming a while

2019-04-30 13:21:39 UTC  

I do not think traitor Guido has much support. One post said only ten members of the army. He was not elected President. He just wants to be the new Dictator. He tried for this and got a majority vote from Congress but this was rejected by their Supreme Court the next step up required for it to take effect.

He is like Nancy Pelosi. The head of Congress. This would be like Nancy claiming to be the President.

We destroyed their economy with sanctions and lowering the price of oil with the help of Saudi Arabia. It was us the USA not Socialism that did this. I am not in favor of Socialism I just am very opposed for any Country to dictate who should be the president of another Country like we are now.

2019-04-30 13:24:32 UTC  

CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS (it never ends) starting pay is $25,000, if you have a degree its $26,000!. They wonder why they have a vacancy rate of 48% hhmmmm. Seriously, they have to ponder why no one wants to work there?

2019-04-30 13:51:47 UTC  

I bet if they raised the wages 10k the problem of finding guards would go away.

2019-04-30 13:52:34 UTC  

Instead they will likely hire illegals or ex cons.

2019-04-30 15:06:35 UTC  

I am rather sure that C_A is California Actors Association. Why?

Notice the wording.

Hussein = 95 = Spouse stands for the C_A (CAA) entity that entered the White House under the form of the Hussein/Michelle couple.

They have received the shot.

61 days to live.

Not saying I agree with all of this:

2019-04-30 15:08:23 UTC  

It should be obvious that AOC was recruited for the role of an actor. Casting call. Why would we not think that the CAA does not do this a lot. I had heard Nixon got going the same way. Most likely Trump got it the same way, we all know he was an actor.

Now with Trump he betrayed them. Played their game and beat them.

2019-04-30 15:12:28 UTC  

@Steve Angell Interesting theory. Which Q drop is that from? The connections will be easier to understand if applicable to one.

2019-04-30 15:14:27 UTC  

I don't follow gematria, so i can't go by that alone.

2019-04-30 15:14:52 UTC  

Don't know. It did not say that I could see on the video. Q3324 and 3325 I think.

No fan of that myself.

2019-04-30 15:15:33 UTC  

It is about their theory of what Q meant I care about. Though it does seem to me Q and Trump do use gematria.

2019-04-30 15:15:34 UTC  

The blessed to teach video?

2019-04-30 15:15:53 UTC  

Yes. Not trusting him much. Research is why I watch.

2019-04-30 15:16:47 UTC  

My theory is some get paid to say certain things. That does not mean they do not have freedom of speech on other things.

2019-04-30 15:17:52 UTC  

What do you base that on? Who would do the paying?

2019-04-30 15:19:17 UTC  

Deep State. Soros and others connected to it. I saw that a lot on Flat Earth videos. They would get a lot of viewers. Get greedy for money then it seemed they would say things they knew were wrong. Money was the only answer I could come up with as to why.

2019-04-30 15:23:24 UTC  

I also had to keep finding new sources for news. Ones I trusted would get monetized and bought out then they would say insane things. Seemed they were trying to get people to believe leftist garbage.

2019-04-30 15:23:56 UTC  

There are 34 Q posts when you type C_A in the top left search bar. That will help with context of CAA vs CIA You could be right that CAA members are hired by DS actors. Perhaps through specific talent agencies.

2019-04-30 15:24:01 UTC  

I have followed this closely since Clinton Administration. 1998 or perhaps 1997.

2019-04-30 15:24:50 UTC  

Thank you I will bookmark this.

2019-04-30 15:25:40 UTC  

If you want just the Q post website with all drops: