Message from @LPA FreeNeko (Hermit's Youth)🇺🇸

Discord ID: 628780570234716161

2019-10-02 01:43:30 UTC  

It gives you Long dick style

2019-10-02 01:46:01 UTC  

@YuriBezmenov yes, osterine, S23 and this month RAD 140

2019-10-02 01:46:10 UTC  

Have you tried a few others?

2019-10-02 01:46:32 UTC  

I haven’t tried any PED’s or SARMs

2019-10-02 01:46:33 UTC  

I stack cardarine with my osterine cycles

2019-10-02 01:47:42 UTC  

What cycles do you do each on? S23 for strength and the other two for endurance?

2019-10-02 01:47:58 UTC  

@Shad Grimgravy yes true, don’t use anything that you are not comfortable with.
Remember though, long term use of alcohol will cause liver disease and slow death.
Be rational with everything you do.
Moderation and study

2019-10-02 01:48:57 UTC  

@Nawalter Jizney S23 is strength and size.
Osterine and cardarine is for maintain
That’s my bridge cycle

2019-10-02 01:49:37 UTC  

Its a fascinating topic for me, something that used to nudge at that “gains chasing” part of the gym goer in my mind. Now its much less, and for much different reason. Though I feel I would like to try a cycle one time in my life.

2019-10-02 01:51:48 UTC  

@YuriBezmenov it’s exciting and fun to experiment with.
I work out every day as my hobby and to chat with friends at the gym. It’s nice to see results so I guess the SARMs are fun 😃

2019-10-02 01:52:15 UTC  

No one should use anything unless they study and are comfortable with it

2019-10-02 01:55:30 UTC  

Well, off to look for a UK store

2019-10-02 01:55:37 UTC  

Thanks for that

2019-10-02 01:58:44 UTC  


2019-10-02 02:08:20 UTC  


2019-10-02 02:08:53 UTC  

Hey brudda

2019-10-02 02:09:08 UTC  

@Nawalter Jizney lol they couldn't have a 23 year old doing both come on there and show them up

2019-10-02 02:09:14 UTC  

For free

2019-10-02 02:19:22 UTC  

UK store?

2019-10-02 02:24:12 UTC  

@Happy Humble Hermit did you see the video? I’m a third of the way, why the hell did they get a panel of six for one guy? They only need one for the same number of strawmen

Oh no, I found the last remaining social media account of mine that isn't Discord/YT/Bitchute

2019-10-02 02:38:28 UTC  

What is it

When I was 14 and on antidepressants, I was around some bad folk, so I had two instagrams.

And now I am in the process of nuking them.

2019-10-02 02:42:26 UTC  

Hot damn it's only 9 PM?

2019-10-02 02:42:51 UTC  


2019-10-02 02:43:09 UTC  

Sucks to be in east

2019-10-02 02:45:29 UTC  

@Nawalter Jizney I did not watch it, I just watched hammerhands review of it

Even the profile picture I had on these accounts had my Antidepressant face

2019-10-02 02:46:38 UTC  

Entrepreneur annoys me because he gives some good advice mixed in with just common sense and then just waters it all down in blue pills and external validation

Eyes like black holes. But also dead.

2019-10-02 02:47:35 UTC  

Yo these thots be wild on the gram

2019-10-02 02:47:40 UTC  

Nuke it from orbit

2019-10-02 02:48:19 UTC  

Big agree

2019-10-02 02:48:25 UTC  


I never used it even when I had it.

It reminds me of my last blue pill year.

Black nail polish, antidepressant zombie eyes and all.

2019-10-02 02:52:38 UTC  

Their ass is dead centre in the pic, caption is filled with some optimistic, inspirational drivel.

2019-10-02 02:55:43 UTC  

Okay, I'm done with work for the night. What goes on here?

There, the last remnants of my public irl identity online have been nuked.