
Discord ID: 515359588405608458

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Fuck you.

No, dm me a link.

tbh, nobody wants a rando dick pick.

2019-08-24 00:03:08 UTC [Hermit Hangout #all-bot-commands]  


2019-08-24 00:03:15 UTC [Hermit Hangout #all-bot-commands]  

Yeah, neither am I.

Huh, apparently, revenge porn is protected free speech according to Texas state appeals court.

I think it was renamed.

Dunno anymore. I lost all my servers. I was a member.

What happened to PGTOW.


Good evening, gentlemen.

Give me an example of an sjw show.

13 reasons why?

Wait. I've heard of that.

Is that about a girl?

See, everything at and after "but..." is disregarded.

It's not mysterious. The new Vietnamese girl at the school, Sum Dum Bich, couldn't handle life and opted out. That's not how a story starts, that's how a story ends.

A boring story, no less.

Exactly. The reason you watch SJW shows is to know exactly what *not* to do in your stories.

It's more like looking at a minefield and spotting all the craters.

Those mines blew up, walk there.

The wet patch is brains, don't worry about it.

This bugs me about a lot of shows, you will also quickly start to notice that women writers are predominantly writing the worst episodes.

Go watch Supernatural, keep an eye out for the woman writers, and notice how the brothers only really have their melodrama when women are writing.

When men are writing, brothers call each other stuff like "Bitch!" casually. Like brothers do.

which jew bitch?

pjal coming in here with the second most generic categorization of comedy writer possible.

I don't watch SNL. Never did. Never cared for it.

Try watching season 1 of Andromeda to see the development of a story, and then season 2 to observe what happens when plebs turn a burgeoning sci fi epic into an episodic shit show.

And then season 5 to see what happens when no one has a fuck left to give.

Oh, yeah, The Last Jedi is basically a case study in how to be a woke sjw shitshow.

Disney hasn't destroyed SW.

They've sullied it. Sure, but SW is far too good for them. Especially Kathleen Kennedy and the tattered remains of Lucasfilm.

Really, what hurt SW was Lucas getting too big.

After he reached 300 lbs, there was just no stopping him. He became a Hutt and no one would challenge his stupid ideas anymore.

Well, the EU was far from gold.

Luke Skywalker died like a punk because the feminist narrative required him to.

The literal hero of the previous generation, didn't actually kill his father and instead redeemed him.

The feminist/commie narrative required that he be sullied and destroyed.

So he turned on his own nephew and his own excellence and those that gave up everything to get him where he needed to be. Then didn't even actually show up to be a hero.

And then died.

No hero's death, either. Just faded away.

And Rei just has all the powers because.

Anakin trained for a decade. Luke trained for a few years. Rei had minutes.

And, let's face it, we all knew Luke didn't really stand a chance.

She didn't even train.

Did you see how she swung the lightsaber around like it was a goddamn baseball bat?

And she dared to stand a chance against the red guard.

lol, they straight up edited out the HF dagger that would have killed her.

they call them vibroblades

Yeah, yeah.

Watch the fight with her and kylo v. the red guard.

So, Finn should have been a competent soldier.

In fact, all the storm troopers should not have fallen under the old trope of incompetent bad guy.

Assume they have.

He's going to get a girlfriend.

And buy her flowers.

And be all sad when things don't work out.


OC's gonna go find it!

"This better have a better story..."

They made Yoda into a fortune cookie.

And Boba Fett was already betrayed by being hit in the back by a pole from a blind guy and falling right into the sand vagina.

Good morning, gentlemen.


Him and Heidegger are my favorites.

But Sartre is pretty good.

I saw that one recently.

Reminds me of Mr Popo.

But the DBZ Abridged version.


Alright, gentlemen. The weather is finally not an overbearing shitshow of humidity and heat. I'm finally going to go, literally, for a walk in the park.

Back from my walk.

Not much.


Just watched Brightburn.


I liked it!

@Punished Korgoth Wait, what did I just watch?

Oh, haven't seen it.

Watch Brightburn.

It's basically DC but evil.


Saw her face, she was never good looking.

She just had a decent body.

Remember pancreatic cancer is usually fatal.

this broad is cosplaying as deadpool now


No, he's saying you sound like an arrogant asspirate and should probably settle down.

So, I haven't really been paying attention when AEISCO is reeing on the server but the name inspires no confidence. What's his deal?

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