Message from @PatrickLux666

Discord ID: 628800464355459082

YouTube is rayciss confirmed

Drink Choccy to protest

2019-10-02 03:44:40 UTC  

A good spear can kill a Bear.

2019-10-02 03:45:15 UTC  

Make 2 spears. Throw one at the bear as it approaches. Finish it when it attacks

2019-10-02 03:45:19 UTC  

Feed it choccy to make it pur in its sleep

2019-10-02 03:45:37 UTC  

Spearchucker motherfucker

2019-10-02 03:45:57 UTC  

Don’t they hunt bears by hiding in trees and throwing Spears at them?

2019-10-02 03:45:59 UTC  

Though in the case of a grizzly. I think the best cal would be anything 45 and up. Preferably something like a 357 magnum, but hey. Work with what you got. 12 gauge buckshot is pretty useful there too, albeit not as accurate...And you'll need to be closer to the target. 🙂 But hey, risk it to get the biscuit right?

2019-10-02 03:46:36 UTC  

He’ll be chomping on your ass @ManOWar if you climb up that tree

2019-10-02 03:47:04 UTC  

@YuriBezmenov you’re giving property incentive to molest bears

2019-10-02 03:47:10 UTC  

Look man you really don't have a lot of options

2019-10-02 03:47:16 UTC  

I’ve definitely seen someone climb a tree and throw spears at bears 🤔

2019-10-02 03:47:24 UTC  

A tree is the least shitty option

2019-10-02 03:47:29 UTC  

And that's if there's one around

2019-10-02 03:47:41 UTC  

@What's gay anymore sounds like a good hunting group trap

2019-10-02 03:47:44 UTC  

Yep, that's why if a bear is trying to nom me and i'm armed. My whole salvos getting emptied right into it's face. Best case? I kill the bear, worst? I make it harder for him to eat me. And hopefully he'll die shortly after mauling me to death. Lol.

2019-10-02 03:47:51 UTC  


2019-10-02 03:48:17 UTC  

If i can't win. I'm gonna engage M.A.D.

2019-10-02 03:48:18 UTC  

Thats why you keep a knife in your boot

2019-10-02 03:48:33 UTC  

Or two...Or three...Who's counting again?

2019-10-02 03:48:52 UTC  

We need to pay a woman to count for us

2019-10-02 03:48:55 UTC  

Like Vash stampede @YuriBezmenov

2019-10-02 03:49:13 UTC  

If you manage to kill a bear with a knife you'll be a living legend

2019-10-02 03:49:23 UTC  

Brock Samson

2019-10-02 03:52:07 UTC  

I doubt i could, anyone who kills a bear with a melee weapon of any kind to me is a fucking badass.
The only time i've done anything close to that was when i was a kid, dog tried to maul me...I killed it. Bare handed, but now i would just punt it into the next dimension. I'm NOT a child anymore. Lol.

2019-10-02 03:52:56 UTC  

I love dogs, but if one tries to nom me. Ehhhh, sorry lassy. But ya gotta go.

2019-10-02 03:54:27 UTC  

Did you atleast cook the thing

2019-10-02 03:55:12 UTC  

And if so, did you assert your dominance by putting its head on display at the local pound

2019-10-02 03:59:42 UTC  

Was told by others i starting eating it and sucking on it's throat after i tore into it, does that count? I kinda...Lost my shit, understandable considering. Lol. Not sure how accurate that is given i don't remember much after i killed it, i kinda blanked out after that. I tend to do that in a fight, apparently it's a subtype of seizure...And seizures run in my family. Though that subtype i function in them, been told i go berserk like that when in that exact state. That functional state seems to only last between seconds and minutes, but it's usually more than enough to do whatever i am about to do in that highly degraded mental state. I lack almost any memory of it, but my most insane moments are mostly contained in seizures like those. Lol.

2019-10-02 04:01:25 UTC  


2019-10-02 04:01:38 UTC  

I can berserk but I have to maintain self control

2019-10-02 04:02:21 UTC  

Otherwise its... idk I've never been there. I have powerful self control when it comes to anger though.

2019-10-02 04:02:36 UTC  

Rage issues run in my paternal line <:har:480186132298989569>

2019-10-02 04:03:04 UTC  

I really can't, once it goes past a point....It takes a life of it's own, it's like my mind is being snuffed out one sector at a time. Then i blank out.
It's not anger issues though, seems to be an error in my brain. I'm actually pretty good at controlling my anger. Lol.

2019-10-02 04:03:51 UTC  

Huh. Maybe I've just never been driven to that point

2019-10-02 04:05:08 UTC  

Muh dik

2019-10-02 04:05:21 UTC  

Yeah, i got this condition where my brain has some sort of error. It's got that seizure disorder as a symptom of it, got diagnosed as a teen. But before that people had no clue why i would just flip out in those situations...They just thought i went psycho. Lol.

2019-10-02 04:07:37 UTC  

They say it's psychological, but that doesn't make sense given i'm the one living it. And from my perspective, it feels like a hardwired error. So i think there's a neurological component, since the human brain isn't fully understood yet. It's possible that it's such a fine tuned pathway or a complex one that noticing this error in patients like myself is impossible currently...Because they don't even know what to identify.

2019-10-02 04:09:49 UTC  

But i do admit that condition i got specifically has a psychological component too. But it seems like their linked heavily, not sure what exactly is going on. But i know their both involved. They have to be to actually cause these symptoms, so hopefully someday they find out more. But i doubt i'll get to see or benefit from it. Lol.