Message from @ResolvingParadox13

Discord ID: 628804313879412746

2019-10-02 03:47:41 UTC  

@What's gay anymore sounds like a good hunting group trap

2019-10-02 03:47:44 UTC  

Yep, that's why if a bear is trying to nom me and i'm armed. My whole salvos getting emptied right into it's face. Best case? I kill the bear, worst? I make it harder for him to eat me. And hopefully he'll die shortly after mauling me to death. Lol.

2019-10-02 03:47:51 UTC  


2019-10-02 03:48:17 UTC  

If i can't win. I'm gonna engage M.A.D.

2019-10-02 03:48:18 UTC  

Thats why you keep a knife in your boot

2019-10-02 03:48:33 UTC  

Or two...Or three...Who's counting again?

2019-10-02 03:48:52 UTC  

We need to pay a woman to count for us

2019-10-02 03:48:55 UTC  

Like Vash stampede @YuriBezmenov

2019-10-02 03:49:13 UTC  

If you manage to kill a bear with a knife you'll be a living legend

2019-10-02 03:49:23 UTC  

Brock Samson

2019-10-02 03:52:07 UTC  

I doubt i could, anyone who kills a bear with a melee weapon of any kind to me is a fucking badass.
The only time i've done anything close to that was when i was a kid, dog tried to maul me...I killed it. Bare handed, but now i would just punt it into the next dimension. I'm NOT a child anymore. Lol.

2019-10-02 03:52:56 UTC  

I love dogs, but if one tries to nom me. Ehhhh, sorry lassy. But ya gotta go.

2019-10-02 03:54:27 UTC  

Did you atleast cook the thing

2019-10-02 03:55:12 UTC  

And if so, did you assert your dominance by putting its head on display at the local pound

2019-10-02 03:59:42 UTC  

Was told by others i starting eating it and sucking on it's throat after i tore into it, does that count? I kinda...Lost my shit, understandable considering. Lol. Not sure how accurate that is given i don't remember much after i killed it, i kinda blanked out after that. I tend to do that in a fight, apparently it's a subtype of seizure...And seizures run in my family. Though that subtype i function in them, been told i go berserk like that when in that exact state. That functional state seems to only last between seconds and minutes, but it's usually more than enough to do whatever i am about to do in that highly degraded mental state. I lack almost any memory of it, but my most insane moments are mostly contained in seizures like those. Lol.

2019-10-02 04:01:25 UTC  


2019-10-02 04:01:38 UTC  

I can berserk but I have to maintain self control

2019-10-02 04:02:21 UTC  

Otherwise its... idk I've never been there. I have powerful self control when it comes to anger though.

2019-10-02 04:02:36 UTC  

Rage issues run in my paternal line <:har:480186132298989569>

2019-10-02 04:03:04 UTC  

I really can't, once it goes past a point....It takes a life of it's own, it's like my mind is being snuffed out one sector at a time. Then i blank out.
It's not anger issues though, seems to be an error in my brain. I'm actually pretty good at controlling my anger. Lol.

2019-10-02 04:03:51 UTC  

Huh. Maybe I've just never been driven to that point

2019-10-02 04:05:08 UTC  

Muh dik

2019-10-02 04:05:21 UTC  

Yeah, i got this condition where my brain has some sort of error. It's got that seizure disorder as a symptom of it, got diagnosed as a teen. But before that people had no clue why i would just flip out in those situations...They just thought i went psycho. Lol.

2019-10-02 04:07:37 UTC  

They say it's psychological, but that doesn't make sense given i'm the one living it. And from my perspective, it feels like a hardwired error. So i think there's a neurological component, since the human brain isn't fully understood yet. It's possible that it's such a fine tuned pathway or a complex one that noticing this error in patients like myself is impossible currently...Because they don't even know what to identify.

2019-10-02 04:09:49 UTC  

But i do admit that condition i got specifically has a psychological component too. But it seems like their linked heavily, not sure what exactly is going on. But i know their both involved. They have to be to actually cause these symptoms, so hopefully someday they find out more. But i doubt i'll get to see or benefit from it. Lol.

2019-10-02 04:14:41 UTC  

But yeah, in that functional stage of the seizure while in that state. I am highly hostile, usually to the person or object of my aggression. Whatever i was feeling at the time i initially entered that state seems to impact what i do generally. If i'm depressed for example, i start smashing myself to pieces. If it's rage though, i'll be generally hostile. But if it's targeted, like in the case of a fight. Whoever is the one that is fighting me is the thing that will take the brunt of those blows. Usually i seem to be doing basic motor functions, think grabbing, crushing, biting, possibly punching, and the like.

2019-10-02 04:17:11 UTC  

I ironically got viking blood in me apparently too, so who knows. Maybe it's a genetic disposition, lmfao. Wouldn't be surprised.

2019-10-02 04:17:32 UTC  

Text bricking niggas

2019-10-02 04:17:58 UTC  

The amount of text bricks are too damn high

2019-10-02 04:18:00 UTC  

Interesting though

2019-10-02 04:18:26 UTC  

Sorry about that, i just wanted to try and get the info out the best i could. I tried to shorten it as much as possible though.

2019-10-02 04:19:18 UTC  

You're fine

2019-10-02 04:19:29 UTC  

I enjoy hearing peoples experiences

2019-10-02 04:20:14 UTC  

Love Gundam for this, im glad to hear that brown bitch get torn apart

2019-10-02 04:20:25 UTC  

I do have to say though, despite this. I consider myself more of a glass cannon. Sure, i could likely kill someone in a fight like this.(And have nearly done that before, too.) But odds are i won't have the brains to not take severe damage myself, therefore making my survival go down too.
Oh okay, good. 🙂

2019-10-02 04:20:52 UTC  

Hate woke ~~preaching~~ comedy

2019-10-02 04:22:15 UTC  

its not even remotely funny

2019-10-02 04:22:29 UTC  

theres nothing left to laugh about really

2019-10-02 04:25:50 UTC  

The good news? My body despite my health is pretty damn tanky, or least it was Sometimes i wonder genuinely what the hell was allowing me to survive some of the injuries i did survive. It's like: "Did i glitch the code or something somehow?" Another thing, i even got hit by lightning at one point too. And got the scars...Didn't realize they were from that though, i had too many scars to notice until i found out what lightning scars look like. And given those scars specifically follow the path the bolt took. And they look exactly like one would expect, eh it's probably the lightning that did that. Lol.