Message from @Punished Korgoth

Discord ID: 629722081239760907

2019-10-04 16:34:14 UTC  

What's going on, Alucard.

2019-10-04 16:36:17 UTC  

@Xychotic Speaking of Alucard...

2019-10-04 16:37:29 UTC  

Haha, good one. Eh, hurting. I hope i'm getting over whatever funk i was in though, also ate some bueritos from McDonalds...They're fighting back a little now, lol. But i'll be fine, you? And good meme, though i gotta add: "Vampires don't fucking sparkle!" Too. Lmfao.

2019-10-04 16:37:40 UTC  

This is what I think of.

2019-10-04 16:40:10 UTC  

Definitely true, someone is getting fucked. Oh man i wish i had those fucking powers. If only that were a thing, man. Ironically if i hadn't taken the head injury that destroyed my nose's bridge when younger i would sound almost identical to Alucard...I can swing it that way when i want because it's just a few levels down from my resting pitch now, but the constant air pressure backflow in my sinuses causes pain due to the damage from the injury. Plus loosing the ability to smell also sucks. :/

2019-10-04 16:40:34 UTC  


2019-10-04 16:40:47 UTC  

We could have had fake Alucard ASMR

2019-10-04 16:40:55 UTC  

No homo

2019-10-04 16:42:35 UTC  

Yeah i know right? Though i guess i should be thankful my skull didn't just go right into my brain, was told that's something that could've happened if i had been facing straight ahead when i smashed head first into that steel pole. Lol. If i worked on it more, i probably could do and ASMR type thing. But it'll be hard...

2019-10-04 16:43:10 UTC  

And embarrassing. Don't forget embarrassing. Lol.

2019-10-04 16:43:26 UTC  

Yeah, it would be hard 🍆

2019-10-04 16:43:32 UTC  


2019-10-04 16:48:17 UTC  

When i get angry though my voice naturally goes like that, sometimes i'll get this deep southern drawl. Other times, and more often. I'll sound like i'm from fucking Russia/Romania. My accent has a habit of switching, a lot. Most times i sound like generically American. Northerners think i'm a hick, southerners think i'm a yanky. Lol. But sometimes i'll suddenly have a German or Romanian accent and have no idea how/why i'm doing it. Last time that happened it went on for like 2 or so hours before it started weakening and my accent returned to normal. Was funny though.

2019-10-04 16:49:04 UTC  

You have multiple accent disorder

2019-10-04 16:49:09 UTC  

Or M.A.D.

2019-10-04 16:49:22 UTC  

Really? What causes that..?

2019-10-04 16:50:16 UTC  

My shitposting

2019-10-04 16:50:23 UTC  


2019-10-04 16:50:43 UTC  


2019-10-04 16:50:43 UTC  

You got punked!

2019-10-04 16:51:19 UTC  

Shit, where's astane Cursher? Lol.

2019-10-04 16:54:55 UTC  

Right here.

2019-10-04 16:55:05 UTC  

It's been a while since I pranked someone

2019-10-04 16:58:46 UTC

2019-10-04 16:59:10 UTC  

But yeah, that's what's hilarious about me regarding that...I am pale white, have red tinged eyes on average, seem to have a physiological reliance on blood(Odds are it's not just blood, likely there's something in it my body lacks severely enough to drive me to it. But, i don't know what that thing is.), am fatally allergic to UV light/sunlight, and even recently found out that i've got a mild garlic intolerance to boot. Oh and when i had my teeth, i had canines that were abnormally longer and sharper. Making fangs. Even my moulers were more sharpened compared to the mostly flat ones that others seem to possess on average. Not to mention other traits. I could keep going. What's that make me, what term describes a being with all these traits? Lol. My only answer is a fucking vampire. I've been at a loss for any other term, that is easily recognizable as that anyhow. I don't think there's a condition that's called vampirism that i know of, but the traits heavily tied to the mythological being is medically existent. And yeah, you got me good. Does that condition actually exist though??? I would like to know more about it if it does...

2019-10-04 17:01:10 UTC  

I just wanted to reiterate that other stuff i put up awhile back here, too. I find it pretty funny if not fucked up. I wish i didn't have the negative traits i got. Would give a leg or loose a few inches or so of height to trade for being healthy if i could. Lol.

2019-10-04 17:02:11 UTC  

Anyhow. I'm gonna look up M.A.D and find out...Brb.

2019-10-04 17:07:10 UTC

2019-10-04 17:07:32 UTC  

Funny little product I saw earlier this morning

2019-10-04 17:08:49 UTC  


2019-10-04 17:09:21 UTC  

Lmfao. WTF is that?

2019-10-04 17:10:23 UTC  

The package obviously says banana babies 😜

2019-10-04 17:10:46 UTC  

Also, found out that yep it does exist. Shit...I actually suffered severe head injuries multiple times...To the point i didn't even have time to recover from each one most the time...I'm a little scared now. As that's a cause of the condition.

2019-10-04 17:12:18 UTC  

The banana babies? Haha, that would be kinda funny. "Well the outer portion is dark and chocolate like in flavor with a smooth texture. The core is milky and creamy..." I can imagine it now.

2019-10-04 17:12:24 UTC  

You mean you have a very minor case of serious brain damage?

2019-10-04 17:15:01 UTC  

Well, i knew there's no way i could've escaped any damage with what happened in my childhood. Doctors at the time were shocked i even survived some of them if memory serves. And my brain in the MRI i had years ago had these dark splotches in the brain itself...The edges where i took the most damage too looked like my brain had a makeout session with a cheese grater. :/

2019-10-04 17:16:14 UTC  


2019-10-04 17:20:50 UTC  

Okay. I got motor functional issues, too. Things like my foot often going off by a inch or two where i told it to go, or my gait will go nuts and cause me to veer into a door frame. It's like being drunk, but without any of the positives of being drunk. Feels bad man. Another thing which might be related is my reaction time to stimuli is like 3 times slower than average, last time i tested it. This gets obvious on most days where somebody throws something at me and i don't even seem to notice despite having ample time compared to most to swat it away. It's rare i actually have the chance to well, you know. React to something flying at me in time. Lol. Makes it difficult to play games, too. I have a real hard time in PVP FPSs like COD or the like. Only time i succeed is if i plan around it, because almost always i get shot before i can pull the trigger on the controller. Despite sending the command already. :/

2019-10-04 17:24:30 UTC  

It comes and goes in severity, but on average it's worse than normal. Also have myoclonic seizures too apparently. Least that's what my doctor told me, my hand for example has jerked and sent whatever i'm holding either flying or simply dropping it. Or my whole arm will start shaking violently, or my whole upper body. It hurts, 'cause i often pull muscles in the more severe ones.

2019-10-04 17:27:27 UTC  

But it beats the functional seizures, by far. 'Cause at least i am still conscious in those. Focals are somewhere between, was told i likely have that too by the doc. When i get those it's like my brain misfires, and the world starts spinning violently. I loose motor function almost entirely, it's very weird. I also can't think, either. I try, but fail. I end up being wrecked for almost the whole day after one of those though if it's not mild.